Asuce de triche Millionaire city ( mise à jour )

Asuce de triche Millionaire city (mise à jour)

Millionaire city est le jeu de construction qui va être bientôt en concurrence directe avec Cityville, le nouveau jeu de zynga.Voici une astuce de triche que j’avais déjà faite
mais certain d’entre vous se plaignent de ne pas y arriver donc j’ai mis à jour l’astuce comme j’ai pu et ca marche à 100% donc si vous n y arriver pas c’est que vous êtes nul
Jouer à millionaire city
Bien évidemment,  il est formellement interdit de tricher dans les jeux Facebook! Il est interdit de tricher et nous ne vous encourageons pas à le faire au risque de vous faire banir du jeu facebook.

Devenez fan pour ne loupez aucune astuce! et rejoignez la newsletter avec les meilleurs astuces
pour effectuer cette démonstration de triche nous avons utilisé:
  • fiddler 2 à télécharger
  • Google chrome

Asuce de triche Millionaire city ( mise à jour )

Asuce de triche Millionaire city (mise à jour)

Millionaire city est le jeu de construction qui va être bientôt en concurrence directe avec Cityville, le nouveau jeu de zynga.Voici une astuce de triche que j’avais déjà faite
mais certain d’entre vous se plaignent de ne pas y arriver donc j’ai mis à jour l’astuce comme j’ai pu et ca marche à 100% donc si vous n y arriver pas c’est que vous êtes nul
Jouer à millionaire city
Bien évidemment,  il est formellement interdit de tricher dans les jeux Facebook! Il est interdit de tricher et nous ne vous encourageons pas à le faire au risque de vous faire banir du jeu facebook.

Devenez fan pour ne loupez aucune astuce! et rejoignez la newsletter avec les meilleurs astuces
pour effectuer cette démonstration de triche nous avons utilisé:
  • fiddler 2 à télécharger
  • Google chrome

Cityville le nouveau jeu Zynga Cityville le nouveau jeu Zynga

Cityville le nouveau jeu Zynga

Il semblerait qu’après frontierville et le lancement de Treasur isle il y a déjà quelque mois Zynga s’apprête à sortir Cityville… Découvrez comment cette annonce confidentiel est apparu.

City ville est jeu de construction comme millionaire city

En haut de l’article vous voyer  l’image du forum du site zynga. City ville est donc le nouveau jeu facebook de zynga. Pour le moment, il n’y a pas eu de date de lancement mais il  est probable que la sortie se fasse courant septembre pour la rentré
:) . D’après le nom de ce jeu on peut déjà imaginer qu’il s’agisse d’un jeu de construction de ville un peu comme social city. cette prise d ‘écran à été faites sur le forum du site zynga. Ce jeu est sans doute fait pour faire de l’ombre à Millionaire city qui cartonne.

Astuce pour cityville

Je ne manquerai pas de vous proposer des astuces pour cityville et vous aider pour progresser et passer les niveau rapidement.Il est vrai que tricher dans les jeux zynga est pas simple mais au début il existe toujours quelques cheat code ou bug que les développeur on laissé trainés ….

Cityville le nouveau jeu Zynga Cityville le nouveau jeu Zynga

Cityville le nouveau jeu Zynga

Il semblerait qu’après frontierville et le lancement de Treasur isle il y a déjà quelque mois Zynga s’apprête à sortir Cityville… Découvrez comment cette annonce confidentiel est apparu.

City ville est jeu de construction comme millionaire city

En haut de l’article vous voyer  l’image du forum du site zynga. City ville est donc le nouveau jeu facebook de zynga. Pour le moment, il n’y a pas eu de date de lancement mais il  est probable que la sortie se fasse courant septembre pour la rentré
:) . D’après le nom de ce jeu on peut déjà imaginer qu’il s’agisse d’un jeu de construction de ville un peu comme social city. cette prise d ‘écran à été faites sur le forum du site zynga. Ce jeu est sans doute fait pour faire de l’ombre à Millionaire city qui cartonne.

Astuce pour cityville

Je ne manquerai pas de vous proposer des astuces pour cityville et vous aider pour progresser et passer les niveau rapidement.Il est vrai que tricher dans les jeux zynga est pas simple mais au début il existe toujours quelques cheat code ou bug que les développeur on laissé trainés ….

Car Town Cheats | Car Town Hacks | Car Town Tips Car Town Cheats | Car Town Hacks | Car Town Tips

Developed by CIE Games for Facebook, Car Town deviates from the norm of games in Facebook that are mostly all about farming, cooking up food, and training your mob to become pro-Mafia. In short, Car Town brings a fresh look on Facebook gaming.

The game's incredibly simple: Collect, connect, and race. Best of all - you get your own garage. Kidding. The game dons a free-to-play model while offering premium services like premium cars, premium accessories, speeding up in-game services and the like. So if you want that premium car with that custom paint job so bad, unfortunately you'll have to shell out a couple of bucks for it.

Anyway, you've landed in this page looking for Car Town cheats, hacks and tips. I have Car Town cheats right here that would work with the help of the famous Cheat Engine program for Facebook. Car Town cheats/Car Town Hacks below:


Cheat Engine v5.6
Mozilla Firefox
Car Town account
A friend to race with


1. Open Cheat Engine v5.6 and your Car Town account;
2. Click on the computer icon on the Cheat Engine and find Firefox.exe. On the Cheat Engine, go to the icon which looks like a computer with a magnifying glass (upper left portion) and open it. Select "plugin.container.exe" and enable Speed Hack v0.5;
3. Here's where your friend comes in: Challenge a friend to a practice run;
4. Click Scan first then input the score you want to acquire (probably 9999) on the Cheat Engine;
5. Go to Car Town, click on Practice Again but do not race yet. Change the score value box on the Cheat Engine to 0 (where you put 9999 previously) and click on Next Scan or perform a new scan;
6. Double-click the icon on the left side of the Cheat Engine and it will go down to the lower box. Click on the last value you'll see, change it to your desired score, then click on the small box;
7. After doing #6, go back to Car Town and start the race with your friend. Be sure not to foul the race/to win the race because even if you max out your desired score on the Cheat Engine (9999), you'll just have the maximum score allowed on your car's HP on the race results page;
8. See your score max out and be astounded.

Car Town Cheats | Car Town Hacks | Car Town Tips Car Town Cheats | Car Town Hacks | Car Town Tips

Developed by CIE Games for Facebook, Car Town deviates from the norm of games in Facebook that are mostly all about farming, cooking up food, and training your mob to become pro-Mafia. In short, Car Town brings a fresh look on Facebook gaming.

The game's incredibly simple: Collect, connect, and race. Best of all - you get your own garage. Kidding. The game dons a free-to-play model while offering premium services like premium cars, premium accessories, speeding up in-game services and the like. So if you want that premium car with that custom paint job so bad, unfortunately you'll have to shell out a couple of bucks for it.

Anyway, you've landed in this page looking for Car Town cheats, hacks and tips. I have Car Town cheats right here that would work with the help of the famous Cheat Engine program for Facebook. Car Town cheats/Car Town Hacks below:


Cheat Engine v5.6
Mozilla Firefox
Car Town account
A friend to race with


1. Open Cheat Engine v5.6 and your Car Town account;
2. Click on the computer icon on the Cheat Engine and find Firefox.exe. On the Cheat Engine, go to the icon which looks like a computer with a magnifying glass (upper left portion) and open it. Select "plugin.container.exe" and enable Speed Hack v0.5;
3. Here's where your friend comes in: Challenge a friend to a practice run;
4. Click Scan first then input the score you want to acquire (probably 9999) on the Cheat Engine;
5. Go to Car Town, click on Practice Again but do not race yet. Change the score value box on the Cheat Engine to 0 (where you put 9999 previously) and click on Next Scan or perform a new scan;
6. Double-click the icon on the left side of the Cheat Engine and it will go down to the lower box. Click on the last value you'll see, change it to your desired score, then click on the small box;
7. After doing #6, go back to Car Town and start the race with your friend. Be sure not to foul the race/to win the race because even if you max out your desired score on the Cheat Engine (9999), you'll just have the maximum score allowed on your car's HP on the race results page;
8. See your score max out and be astounded.

Astuces pour tricher dans cafe world Astuces pour tricher dans cafe world

Tricher dans Cafe world! Cette application est un de mes jeux facebook préféré, il demande une gestion du stress assez importante et une implication totale pour progresser rapidement. Le jeu café world est édité par zynga le concurent des jeux playfish qui à crée Restaurant city dont vous pouvez également retrouvé des conseils sur et des codes pour tricher

Astuces de triche utiles pour tous connaitre de Café world (Partie 1)

Il vous est déjà arrivé que vos serveurs de ne servent pas un client dans café world. Et oui cela arrive de temps à autres car votre disposition de table n’est pas optimiser pour faire un service performant.
Je vous propose de  découvrir plusieurs disposition de table, ou votre serveur apparaitra directement derrière les tables de service et par magie il servira le client nettoiera les tables  et tous ca de derrière son comptoir. Ce qui veut dire plus que vous de raterez plus un seul client ! Et vous n’aurez plus à supporter les serveurs calamiteux qui vagabondent dans votre restaurant. Mais attention cette astuce ne fonctionne qu’avec 2 serveurs!
Comment rafraichir le jeu café world pendant un bug
Avez vous remarqué quelques bug dans café world….Comme par exemple une cuisinière (four) qui fait disparaitre les plats avant même qu’il  soit  terminé… dessus j’ai listé les indications à suivre lorsque cela vous arrive. Donc ces quelques étapes faciles, l’objet en question ne devrait plus vous poser de problème.
1)    Placer toutes cos cuisinieres/fours dans votre inventaire, en faisant un glisser/déposer en les faisant glisser dans la fenerte des meubles.
2)    Cliquer sur le check vert  pour fermer l’éditeur
3)     Replacer correctement vos cuisinière/fours dans votre café
(Si vous ne voyer pas vos cuisinière/fours dans l’inventaire, fermer le jeu complètement, en cliquant sur le logo Facebook en haut à gauche puis redémarrer l’application. Vous devriez  voir un + # au-dessus du four quand vos retourner sur la page des meubles, cliquer sur l’image et placer les à nouveau dans votre restaurant
Fermé le café dans café world
On me demande souvent comment fermer le café alors même qu’il y encore plein d’ingrédients et de recette sur le feu. Vous pouvez soit enlever la porte ou mettre une chaise devant pour bloquer l’entré et la sortie . Ainsi votre note ne sera pas affectée
Comment organiser les tables dans son café /restaurant
Les images que j’ai prise pour vous son des belles illustrations des meilleures façons d’aménager votre café, je pense également que cela fonctionne dans restaurant city le jeu zynga
Pour moi le meilleur organisation de table dans Café World  c’est celui-ci deux serveur dont un coincé !!!

Un autre très bonne disposition dans Cafe world

En voici un autre optimisé pour être efficace

Un buzz max de 105
Vous pouvez vous demandez si il existe une différence de qualité, dans le nombre de plat servie  ou les point d’expériences pour le différent four et comptoir de présentation disponibles dans le jeu Et bien non, ils ne sont que de la déco et n’ont rien de spécial, la seule différence est le prix et la forme
Pourquoi mes serveurs ne servent pas les clients ?
Laisser leur un passage dégagé jusqu’au table pour qu’ils puissant atteindre sans encombre la table des clients. Ils ne peuvent pas servir derrière une chaise  Ou sinon cela peut être un bug dans ces cas la déposer votre materiel dans l’inventaire cela résoudra sans doute votre problème..

Quesque c’est le max buzz ou le buzz max ? A quoi sert le buzz
Le buzz  maximale que vous pouvez atteindre est de 105. Le buzz c’est votre niveau de popularité de votre restaurant. Plus le buzz est élevé, plus vous aurez la chance de recevoir de clients ce qui veut dire que vous gagnerez plus d’argent et de CP car vous allez avoir besoin de nouveau ingrédients
Pourquoi les clients ne vienne pas dans mon café et diminue mon niveau de buzz ?
C’est client sont mécontent, car ils n’ont pas trouvé de place dans votre restaurant et puisqu’ ils ne sont pas content votre buzz descend.
  • Un client satisfait  = + 0.1 buzz
  • Un client qui ne peut pas s’assoir  = – 0.5 buzz
  • Un client qui ne se fait pas servir = – 0.5 buzz
  • Un client s’assoie mais n’est pas servie= – 0.5 buzz
Combien un client mange de plat en 1 minute ?
  • Ceci dépend du nombre de client que vous servez, Dans le cas d’un buzz  max il mange 13 plat en une minute
  • Ce qui fait 800 par heure
  • Ce qui fait 192 00 par jour
Comment gagner plus d’argent dans café world
  • Vous gagner de l’argent quand vous vendez des plats à vos clients
  • Vous gagner de l’argent quand vos voisins vous rendent visiter et vous font gagner de l’argent  avec leur pourboire
  • Vous gagner de l’argent quand vous rendez visite à vos voisins en essayant leurs plats
Je veux recommencer au début dans café world ?
  • Ce n’est pas possible de recommencer à zéro à moins de supprimer le jeu de votre compte facebook et de le réinstaller  60 jours plus tard. Vous aurez un nouveau compte après ce délai d’attente
Comment déplacer les objets ou les faire tourner
  • Cliquez sur custumiser (L’icôn en forme de chaise ) et ensuite vous pouvez bouger les objets comme bon vous semble.

Comment changer le nom de votre Café ?
Pour changer le nom de votre café, il suffit d’aller dans le coin en haut à droite (le jaune)
Comment  revendre un objet ?
- Cliquez sur l’icon de chaise
- Cliquez ensuite sur l’objet que vous souhaitez vendre
- et déposer le audessu de l’icon qui ressemble à une caisse enregistreuse
Quel est le bon moment pour utiliser cadeaux dans café world.
  • Essayez de utilisez quand vous avez une table pleine de clients.

Astuces pour tricher dans cafe world Astuces pour tricher dans cafe world

Tricher dans Cafe world! Cette application est un de mes jeux facebook préféré, il demande une gestion du stress assez importante et une implication totale pour progresser rapidement. Le jeu café world est édité par zynga le concurent des jeux playfish qui à crée Restaurant city dont vous pouvez également retrouvé des conseils sur et des codes pour tricher

Astuces de triche utiles pour tous connaitre de Café world (Partie 1)

Il vous est déjà arrivé que vos serveurs de ne servent pas un client dans café world. Et oui cela arrive de temps à autres car votre disposition de table n’est pas optimiser pour faire un service performant.
Je vous propose de  découvrir plusieurs disposition de table, ou votre serveur apparaitra directement derrière les tables de service et par magie il servira le client nettoiera les tables  et tous ca de derrière son comptoir. Ce qui veut dire plus que vous de raterez plus un seul client ! Et vous n’aurez plus à supporter les serveurs calamiteux qui vagabondent dans votre restaurant. Mais attention cette astuce ne fonctionne qu’avec 2 serveurs!
Comment rafraichir le jeu café world pendant un bug
Avez vous remarqué quelques bug dans café world….Comme par exemple une cuisinière (four) qui fait disparaitre les plats avant même qu’il  soit  terminé… dessus j’ai listé les indications à suivre lorsque cela vous arrive. Donc ces quelques étapes faciles, l’objet en question ne devrait plus vous poser de problème.
1)    Placer toutes cos cuisinieres/fours dans votre inventaire, en faisant un glisser/déposer en les faisant glisser dans la fenerte des meubles.
2)    Cliquer sur le check vert  pour fermer l’éditeur
3)     Replacer correctement vos cuisinière/fours dans votre café
(Si vous ne voyer pas vos cuisinière/fours dans l’inventaire, fermer le jeu complètement, en cliquant sur le logo Facebook en haut à gauche puis redémarrer l’application. Vous devriez  voir un + # au-dessus du four quand vos retourner sur la page des meubles, cliquer sur l’image et placer les à nouveau dans votre restaurant
Fermé le café dans café world
On me demande souvent comment fermer le café alors même qu’il y encore plein d’ingrédients et de recette sur le feu. Vous pouvez soit enlever la porte ou mettre une chaise devant pour bloquer l’entré et la sortie . Ainsi votre note ne sera pas affectée
Comment organiser les tables dans son café /restaurant
Les images que j’ai prise pour vous son des belles illustrations des meilleures façons d’aménager votre café, je pense également que cela fonctionne dans restaurant city le jeu zynga
Pour moi le meilleur organisation de table dans Café World  c’est celui-ci deux serveur dont un coincé !!!

Un autre très bonne disposition dans Cafe world

En voici un autre optimisé pour être efficace

Un buzz max de 105
Vous pouvez vous demandez si il existe une différence de qualité, dans le nombre de plat servie  ou les point d’expériences pour le différent four et comptoir de présentation disponibles dans le jeu Et bien non, ils ne sont que de la déco et n’ont rien de spécial, la seule différence est le prix et la forme
Pourquoi mes serveurs ne servent pas les clients ?
Laisser leur un passage dégagé jusqu’au table pour qu’ils puissant atteindre sans encombre la table des clients. Ils ne peuvent pas servir derrière une chaise  Ou sinon cela peut être un bug dans ces cas la déposer votre materiel dans l’inventaire cela résoudra sans doute votre problème..

Quesque c’est le max buzz ou le buzz max ? A quoi sert le buzz
Le buzz  maximale que vous pouvez atteindre est de 105. Le buzz c’est votre niveau de popularité de votre restaurant. Plus le buzz est élevé, plus vous aurez la chance de recevoir de clients ce qui veut dire que vous gagnerez plus d’argent et de CP car vous allez avoir besoin de nouveau ingrédients
Pourquoi les clients ne vienne pas dans mon café et diminue mon niveau de buzz ?
C’est client sont mécontent, car ils n’ont pas trouvé de place dans votre restaurant et puisqu’ ils ne sont pas content votre buzz descend.
  • Un client satisfait  = + 0.1 buzz
  • Un client qui ne peut pas s’assoir  = – 0.5 buzz
  • Un client qui ne se fait pas servir = – 0.5 buzz
  • Un client s’assoie mais n’est pas servie= – 0.5 buzz
Combien un client mange de plat en 1 minute ?
  • Ceci dépend du nombre de client que vous servez, Dans le cas d’un buzz  max il mange 13 plat en une minute
  • Ce qui fait 800 par heure
  • Ce qui fait 192 00 par jour
Comment gagner plus d’argent dans café world
  • Vous gagner de l’argent quand vous vendez des plats à vos clients
  • Vous gagner de l’argent quand vos voisins vous rendent visiter et vous font gagner de l’argent  avec leur pourboire
  • Vous gagner de l’argent quand vous rendez visite à vos voisins en essayant leurs plats
Je veux recommencer au début dans café world ?
  • Ce n’est pas possible de recommencer à zéro à moins de supprimer le jeu de votre compte facebook et de le réinstaller  60 jours plus tard. Vous aurez un nouveau compte après ce délai d’attente
Comment déplacer les objets ou les faire tourner
  • Cliquez sur custumiser (L’icôn en forme de chaise ) et ensuite vous pouvez bouger les objets comme bon vous semble.

Comment changer le nom de votre Café ?
Pour changer le nom de votre café, il suffit d’aller dans le coin en haut à droite (le jaune)
Comment  revendre un objet ?
- Cliquez sur l’icon de chaise
- Cliquez ensuite sur l’objet que vous souhaitez vendre
- et déposer le audessu de l’icon qui ressemble à une caisse enregistreuse
Quel est le bon moment pour utiliser cadeaux dans café world.
  • Essayez de utilisez quand vous avez une table pleine de clients.

Tricher dans Café world- quelles recettes faire pour gagner le plus d’argent

Un guide d’aide et d’astuce pour le jeu café world inventé par zynga, les créateur de Mafia wars et de farmville. Découvrez quels sont les meilleurs plat à cuisiner dans l’un des meilleurs jeux facebook de cuisine du moment pour gagner de l’argent et progresser rapidement sans utilasation de code pour ticher

Découvrez quelles recettes vous devez faire pour gagner le plus d’argent.

Découvrez quels platd vous devez cuisiner pour gagner le plus d’argent, gagner du temps et de l XP . Si vous vous demandiez comment obtenir plus de cafe point n’allez pas chercher plus loin tout est ici . Ci dessous, j’ai fait une liste  de chaque plat  en prenant en compte pour chacun d’entre eux  le temps de préparation leur cout et combien de cafe point vous recevrez par minutes. Il est maintenant evident que selon mes recherhes il faut faire des bacon cheese burger et du poulet gyro frit .C’est ceux qui prenne le moins de temps de préparation.

La liste des recettes qui rapporte le plus( temps/argent)

Bacon Cheeseburger 5 minutes / 7 CP 1.4
Chicken Gyro & Fries 10 minutes / 14 CP 1.4
Powdered French Toast 20 minutes / 21 CP 1.05
Chips & Guacamole 3 minutes / 4 CP 1.33
Super Chunk Fruit Salad 15 minutes / 14 CP 1.071
Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail 30 minutes / 21 CP 0.7
Buttermilk Pancakes 45 minutes / 31 CP 0.689
Shu Mai Dumplings 6 heures / 156 CP 0.433
Lavish Lamb Curry 8 heures / 200 CP 0.417
Fiery Fish Tacos 2 heures / 49 CP 0.408
Atomic Buffalo Wings 3 heures / 68 CP 0.378
Tikka Masala Kabobs 1 hour / 22 CP 0.367
Delicious Chocolate Cake 14 heures / 273 CP 0.325
Kung Pao Stir Fry 4 heures / 75 CP 0.313
Caramel Apples 2 heures / 35 CP 0.291
Overstuffed Peppers 12 heures / 206 CP 0.286
Grand Tandoori Chicken 24 heures / 404 CP 0.281
Tostada de Carne Asada 8 heures / 123 CP 0.256
French Onion Soup 4 heures / 61 CP 0.254
Voodoo Chicken Salad 12 heures / 169 CP 0.234
Tony’s Classic Pizza 5 heures / 68 CP 0.227
Spaghetti & Meatballs 8 heures / 100 CP 0.208
Triple Berry Cheesecake 12 heures / 140 CP 0.194
King Crab Bisque 24 heures / 252 CP 0.175
Savory Stuffed Turkey 22 heures / 216 0.163
Herbed Halibut 24 heures / 225 CP 0.156
Crackling Peking Duck 18 heures / 166 CP 0.154
Spitfire Roasted Chicken 24 heures / 211 CP 0.146
Impossible Quiche 48 heures / 351 CP 0.122
Pumpkin Pie 12 heures / 76 CP 0.106
Homestyle Pot Roast 48 heures / 280 CP 0.097

Tricher dans Café world- quelles recettes faire pour gagner le plus d’argent

Un guide d’aide et d’astuce pour le jeu café world inventé par zynga, les créateur de Mafia wars et de farmville. Découvrez quels sont les meilleurs plat à cuisiner dans l’un des meilleurs jeux facebook de cuisine du moment pour gagner de l’argent et progresser rapidement sans utilasation de code pour ticher

Découvrez quelles recettes vous devez faire pour gagner le plus d’argent.

Découvrez quels platd vous devez cuisiner pour gagner le plus d’argent, gagner du temps et de l XP . Si vous vous demandiez comment obtenir plus de cafe point n’allez pas chercher plus loin tout est ici . Ci dessous, j’ai fait une liste  de chaque plat  en prenant en compte pour chacun d’entre eux  le temps de préparation leur cout et combien de cafe point vous recevrez par minutes. Il est maintenant evident que selon mes recherhes il faut faire des bacon cheese burger et du poulet gyro frit .C’est ceux qui prenne le moins de temps de préparation.

La liste des recettes qui rapporte le plus( temps/argent)

Bacon Cheeseburger 5 minutes / 7 CP 1.4
Chicken Gyro & Fries 10 minutes / 14 CP 1.4
Powdered French Toast 20 minutes / 21 CP 1.05
Chips & Guacamole 3 minutes / 4 CP 1.33
Super Chunk Fruit Salad 15 minutes / 14 CP 1.071
Jumbo Shrimp Cocktail 30 minutes / 21 CP 0.7
Buttermilk Pancakes 45 minutes / 31 CP 0.689
Shu Mai Dumplings 6 heures / 156 CP 0.433
Lavish Lamb Curry 8 heures / 200 CP 0.417
Fiery Fish Tacos 2 heures / 49 CP 0.408
Atomic Buffalo Wings 3 heures / 68 CP 0.378
Tikka Masala Kabobs 1 hour / 22 CP 0.367
Delicious Chocolate Cake 14 heures / 273 CP 0.325
Kung Pao Stir Fry 4 heures / 75 CP 0.313
Caramel Apples 2 heures / 35 CP 0.291
Overstuffed Peppers 12 heures / 206 CP 0.286
Grand Tandoori Chicken 24 heures / 404 CP 0.281
Tostada de Carne Asada 8 heures / 123 CP 0.256
French Onion Soup 4 heures / 61 CP 0.254
Voodoo Chicken Salad 12 heures / 169 CP 0.234
Tony’s Classic Pizza 5 heures / 68 CP 0.227
Spaghetti & Meatballs 8 heures / 100 CP 0.208
Triple Berry Cheesecake 12 heures / 140 CP 0.194
King Crab Bisque 24 heures / 252 CP 0.175
Savory Stuffed Turkey 22 heures / 216 0.163
Herbed Halibut 24 heures / 225 CP 0.156
Crackling Peking Duck 18 heures / 166 CP 0.154
Spitfire Roasted Chicken 24 heures / 211 CP 0.146
Impossible Quiche 48 heures / 351 CP 0.122
Pumpkin Pie 12 heures / 76 CP 0.106
Homestyle Pot Roast 48 heures / 280 CP 0.097

What is a Game Server?

So, just what is a game server? Before answering that question, it's important to understand how online gaming works. Many popular games today, first person shooters in particular, support online play. Such Internet-based play expands the game to whole new levels, and provides an experience not possible in single player environments. Players ranging in numbers from half a dozen to as many as sixty-four can all join what's called a game server and play on the same map (game level) at the same time. Gaming servers work much like web servers, but instead of hosting websites, host game matches that others can join. Though the game itself is not loaded from the server, important game information such as player scores and rules are. Think of them in terms of a soccer stadium. The stadium provides a scoreboard and a field to play on, and the players come to the stadium to play.

While it is possible for a gamer to host a server on his computer, such servers are only suitable for a small number of players due to the slow speed of their connections. Game servers of any decent size are hosted by what are known as server providers in large data centers. With high-speed connection speeds and high-end server hardware, these providers can host servers of any size. The most popular games hosted these days include the Battlefield series, Counter Strike: Source, the Call of Duty games, the Medal of Honor series, and Unreal Tournament. Most providers offer free support, the ability to change the hosted game on the fly, free voice servers for oral communication, and web hosting. Prices for gaming servers vary greatly from provider to the provider and game to game, but the average is around $2 per player. People who run game servers sometimes pay for them out of their own pockets, but often times a group of gamers will form what is called a clan and share the cost of the server. Once a server is setup, anyone can play on a server for free, though some servers are private and require a password to join.

They make it possible for game lovers worldwide to get together and play their favorite games in an online environment, and have created a whole new market in the gaming world and have changed the way people view gaming. As technology increases, it will be interesting to see how the game server market changes.

What is a Game Server?

So, just what is a game server? Before answering that question, it's important to understand how online gaming works. Many popular games today, first person shooters in particular, support online play. Such Internet-based play expands the game to whole new levels, and provides an experience not possible in single player environments. Players ranging in numbers from half a dozen to as many as sixty-four can all join what's called a game server and play on the same map (game level) at the same time. Gaming servers work much like web servers, but instead of hosting websites, host game matches that others can join. Though the game itself is not loaded from the server, important game information such as player scores and rules are. Think of them in terms of a soccer stadium. The stadium provides a scoreboard and a field to play on, and the players come to the stadium to play.

While it is possible for a gamer to host a server on his computer, such servers are only suitable for a small number of players due to the slow speed of their connections. Game servers of any decent size are hosted by what are known as server providers in large data centers. With high-speed connection speeds and high-end server hardware, these providers can host servers of any size. The most popular games hosted these days include the Battlefield series, Counter Strike: Source, the Call of Duty games, the Medal of Honor series, and Unreal Tournament. Most providers offer free support, the ability to change the hosted game on the fly, free voice servers for oral communication, and web hosting. Prices for gaming servers vary greatly from provider to the provider and game to game, but the average is around $2 per player. People who run game servers sometimes pay for them out of their own pockets, but often times a group of gamers will form what is called a clan and share the cost of the server. Once a server is setup, anyone can play on a server for free, though some servers are private and require a password to join.

They make it possible for game lovers worldwide to get together and play their favorite games in an online environment, and have created a whole new market in the gaming world and have changed the way people view gaming. As technology increases, it will be interesting to see how the game server market changes.

The Ultimate Online Abstract Strategy Game – Try It Free

Total Blockout is an abstract strategy board game for one or more players (currently limited to two players in the computer version). As with many polymino-styled games, this game requires exceptional spatial skills. What makes it unique from other such games is it\'s need for its players to develop single-move strategies in line with an overall game plan. Furthermore, constraints have been placed in the selection of pieces available during your turn, requiring extraordinary memorization of pieces used in previous moves. There are many solutions to the puzzle. However, you will soon see just how difficult it is to find just one solution given these pattern constraints.
Total Blockout is new to the gaming industry, with a launch date of December 18, 2008. The developer, SKY Games, is actively pursuing quality endorsements and awards from distinctive associations and societies. Examples include, but are not limited to, Mensa Select, Teachers Choice, National Association of Parenting Publications, Parent\'s Choice, Oppenheim Toy Portfolio, Creative Child magazine and many more.
In time, we hope that Total Blockout will not be just another game, but a true classic, recognized as a household name. You can help SKY Games bring more quality gaming experiences and their related benefits by sharing your positive experience with others. Thank you for visiting our site and hopefully testing your skill with at
How to play:
There are 7 groups of 7 pieces each, with each group representing a value of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7. Thus, 49 pieces total to complete the board.
The player starts with placing a piece with value 1, then 2, then 3,4,5,6 and finally the largest piece with a value = 7. The cycle repeats itself until the player has nowhere to place a piece.
Piece selection does not change, rather the group is reduced each time by the individual selection made, so memory of pieces left to play the successing rounds is key.
Though this game was designed with entertainment in mind, we came to recognize the multiple benefits this game offers to all who play. Firsts and foremost, the game is adaptable to people of all ages. Children can benefit from the development of spatial attributes, configuring sizes and shapes within borders. Teens can develop early logic and strategic abilities, exercising the mind while common video games offer little, if any, mental growth. Adults can take challenge themselves or compete with others across the globe to learn new approaches to strategy. The elderly can also benefit by regular play, prolonging, if not preventing, the deterioration of memory and other cerebral functions.
Unless you\'re a genius and cannot only complete the algorithms for multiple solutions, but have the memory to make your moves within the controlled sequence, you will be both entertained and smarter from the experience.
The higher the total number of squares filled on the gameboard, the higher your score.

The Ultimate Online Abstract Strategy Game – Try It Free

Total Blockout is an abstract strategy board game for one or more players (currently limited to two players in the computer version). As with many polymino-styled games, this game requires exceptional spatial skills. What makes it unique from other such games is it\'s need for its players to develop single-move strategies in line with an overall game plan. Furthermore, constraints have been placed in the selection of pieces available during your turn, requiring extraordinary memorization of pieces used in previous moves. There are many solutions to the puzzle. However, you will soon see just how difficult it is to find just one solution given these pattern constraints.
Total Blockout is new to the gaming industry, with a launch date of December 18, 2008. The developer, SKY Games, is actively pursuing quality endorsements and awards from distinctive associations and societies. Examples include, but are not limited to, Mensa Select, Teachers Choice, National Association of Parenting Publications, Parent\'s Choice, Oppenheim Toy Portfolio, Creative Child magazine and many more.
In time, we hope that Total Blockout will not be just another game, but a true classic, recognized as a household name. You can help SKY Games bring more quality gaming experiences and their related benefits by sharing your positive experience with others. Thank you for visiting our site and hopefully testing your skill with at
How to play:
There are 7 groups of 7 pieces each, with each group representing a value of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7. Thus, 49 pieces total to complete the board.
The player starts with placing a piece with value 1, then 2, then 3,4,5,6 and finally the largest piece with a value = 7. The cycle repeats itself until the player has nowhere to place a piece.
Piece selection does not change, rather the group is reduced each time by the individual selection made, so memory of pieces left to play the successing rounds is key.
Though this game was designed with entertainment in mind, we came to recognize the multiple benefits this game offers to all who play. Firsts and foremost, the game is adaptable to people of all ages. Children can benefit from the development of spatial attributes, configuring sizes and shapes within borders. Teens can develop early logic and strategic abilities, exercising the mind while common video games offer little, if any, mental growth. Adults can take challenge themselves or compete with others across the globe to learn new approaches to strategy. The elderly can also benefit by regular play, prolonging, if not preventing, the deterioration of memory and other cerebral functions.
Unless you\'re a genius and cannot only complete the algorithms for multiple solutions, but have the memory to make your moves within the controlled sequence, you will be both entertained and smarter from the experience.
The higher the total number of squares filled on the gameboard, the higher your score.

What Lies for the Future of Really Cool Games for iPhone? Read more: Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

With more and more people having an iPhone, so is the increase in demand for quality and fun applications for it. As the age of ownership of the iPhone getting younger and "savvy-er", Having really cool games for the iPhone is an era on the rise and an era to watch out for software developers. But where does the future hold for the iPhone gaming world depend on?

The App Store for the iPhone and iTouch has a list of really cool applications that can help either entertain, or help people make life more convenient, but iPhone gaming on the other hand has its own focus.
For the past year, or maybe years, it has shown promise to be in line with the popular gaming consoles in the likes of Sony and Nintendo.

More Practical with the Economic Issues without the Sacrifice of Fun

More people are finding iPhone gaming more practical and less expensive other than some cartridges. I think another reason behind this is that they can enjoy a wide range of games from all genres without paying too much. If a new game is desired, the flexibility of having a new one in a snap is what makes the iPhone gaming really cool and shows a lot of promise.

Fresh Blood

But other than the software developers that we commonly see, the generation that shows another great potential in the iPhone gaming is the rise of the independent software developers. Maybe unknown at present, but the vision of new exciting games from fresh blood is in indeed the next level in iPhone gaming. Remember that the main stream developers nowadays started somewhere, from being independent to where they are right now.

Cost-wise, independent producers can produce the same quality at a lower price while building a name and trust to their soon to be customers. And isn't it great to have a first hand experience to a really cool game before it goes mainstream?

"Promise of Coolnes

There are many developers out there, and most have that stage of lower quality production because they are just starting. I guess that is where boys are separated from the men. But there are few developers out there that create a "promise of coolness", and one of those is Beteo Games. You can visit them at (

Bradley and Bryan Cimo, pursues the applications and games development for Beteo, backed-up with 15 years experience. Indeed, Beteo Games is one of the promising game development companies to watch out.

Companies like Beteo games will show the iPhone gaming aficionados that cool, new and exciting games really come from anywhere. So expect more fun to come to the screens of your iPhone.

What Lies for the Future of Really Cool Games for iPhone? Read more: Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

With more and more people having an iPhone, so is the increase in demand for quality and fun applications for it. As the age of ownership of the iPhone getting younger and "savvy-er", Having really cool games for the iPhone is an era on the rise and an era to watch out for software developers. But where does the future hold for the iPhone gaming world depend on?

The App Store for the iPhone and iTouch has a list of really cool applications that can help either entertain, or help people make life more convenient, but iPhone gaming on the other hand has its own focus.
For the past year, or maybe years, it has shown promise to be in line with the popular gaming consoles in the likes of Sony and Nintendo.

More Practical with the Economic Issues without the Sacrifice of Fun

More people are finding iPhone gaming more practical and less expensive other than some cartridges. I think another reason behind this is that they can enjoy a wide range of games from all genres without paying too much. If a new game is desired, the flexibility of having a new one in a snap is what makes the iPhone gaming really cool and shows a lot of promise.

Fresh Blood

But other than the software developers that we commonly see, the generation that shows another great potential in the iPhone gaming is the rise of the independent software developers. Maybe unknown at present, but the vision of new exciting games from fresh blood is in indeed the next level in iPhone gaming. Remember that the main stream developers nowadays started somewhere, from being independent to where they are right now.

Cost-wise, independent producers can produce the same quality at a lower price while building a name and trust to their soon to be customers. And isn't it great to have a first hand experience to a really cool game before it goes mainstream?

"Promise of Coolnes

There are many developers out there, and most have that stage of lower quality production because they are just starting. I guess that is where boys are separated from the men. But there are few developers out there that create a "promise of coolness", and one of those is Beteo Games. You can visit them at (

Bradley and Bryan Cimo, pursues the applications and games development for Beteo, backed-up with 15 years experience. Indeed, Beteo Games is one of the promising game development companies to watch out.

Companies like Beteo games will show the iPhone gaming aficionados that cool, new and exciting games really come from anywhere. So expect more fun to come to the screens of your iPhone.

More iPhone Games known, but App Store to Face Piracy?

With the Apple's advancement in their technology in the iPhone and iTouch, more and more people are getting hooked to having it the gadget to go. With the great graphics and multi-touch sensitivity, more games are being made by both individuals and independent software developers such as Beteo Games ( and more on the rise.

The easy access to a software development tool, and affordable registration to the app store has somewhat opened Apple's doors to game producers to make more money by delivering it directly to customers. With the more costly production cost of the Nintendo DS and PSP, it is almost an instinct to make the move to producing iPhone Games.

Creativity is the promise of independent software developers, and fresh blood can pour in into the iPhone and iTouch, producing games for every age and taste.

But as more and more games are produced, so is the idea born of getting free games, or another term for piracy, such as what happened to the PC Gaming world. Many gaming platforms are already facing this dilemma, but could iPhone be next?

Word is spreading out that you can get any iPhone app for free, as to the app store has not given any sort of protection to the host that produces this games. But is it worth it? Is iphone gaming in peril?

If you are a software developer, then you should really think about this issue because you might face the problem of piracy, all those effort to make great games might be in vain. Popular gaming consoles have different layers of protection, making them a great consideration for any producer.

If you are a game aficionado who likes to steal games, I tell you it is not worth it. iPhone apps are selling very cheap, cheaper than PC or other handheld gaming consoles, so spending a little on can make you show your appreciation to the producers to their effort of producing such quality games, or you may not experience any great games anymore at all in the future.

More iPhone Games known, but App Store to Face Piracy?

With the Apple's advancement in their technology in the iPhone and iTouch, more and more people are getting hooked to having it the gadget to go. With the great graphics and multi-touch sensitivity, more games are being made by both individuals and independent software developers such as Beteo Games ( and more on the rise.

The easy access to a software development tool, and affordable registration to the app store has somewhat opened Apple's doors to game producers to make more money by delivering it directly to customers. With the more costly production cost of the Nintendo DS and PSP, it is almost an instinct to make the move to producing iPhone Games.

Creativity is the promise of independent software developers, and fresh blood can pour in into the iPhone and iTouch, producing games for every age and taste.

But as more and more games are produced, so is the idea born of getting free games, or another term for piracy, such as what happened to the PC Gaming world. Many gaming platforms are already facing this dilemma, but could iPhone be next?

Word is spreading out that you can get any iPhone app for free, as to the app store has not given any sort of protection to the host that produces this games. But is it worth it? Is iphone gaming in peril?

If you are a software developer, then you should really think about this issue because you might face the problem of piracy, all those effort to make great games might be in vain. Popular gaming consoles have different layers of protection, making them a great consideration for any producer.

If you are a game aficionado who likes to steal games, I tell you it is not worth it. iPhone apps are selling very cheap, cheaper than PC or other handheld gaming consoles, so spending a little on can make you show your appreciation to the producers to their effort of producing such quality games, or you may not experience any great games anymore at all in the future.

Mario Still Exists In The Gaming World

The individuals of the past two decades hooked to video games are very acquainted with Mario and Nintendo. Of all the video games created in the 1980s, the Mario games were the most popular.  You will certainly agree with me when I say that Mario games were the best video games in those days! This somewhat hard to play game with a casual concept was more than addicting! The first Mario game was the Donkey Kong devised for the Atari game. Mario, with his cute looks and smart actions was the heartthrob of all the children back in 1980s and 90s.

With the help of Mario, Nintendo was always capable to win over problems. These escapades of Mario and his companions contributed to popularize the Mario game series in the video games world.  The games that had Mario on the binding produced more sales than those video games that had Nintendo and other companions on their covers. Thus, the voracious plumber Mario, who survived on a diet of spaghetti, mushrooms and flowers, was regarded as the cash cow for the success of Nintendo’s adventures.

With progression in technology, producers of Mario games are recreating the adventures of Mario and Nintendo. This has resulted in you catching up with all your childhood escapades. The Mario games are now accessible on the internet. Interestingly, the makers are now coming up with new adventures of Mario for the existing generation of kids. The sites devoted to Mario games have all the games from the days when the Mario series began. You can now live over your childhood on the Mario games internet site.

The whole series of the Mario games are obtainable for free on the net. The Mario games web sites allow you to experience all the Mario Flash games.  The new Mario games on the internet accessible for free include Super Smash Flash, Super Mario Strikers, Super Mario Mushroom, etc. These free Mario games internet sites also have forums to discuss the adventures of Mario. You can also add the Mario games that are not existing on the site from your collections.

The new adventures of Mario are sure to re kindle your childhood memories, as the creators of the new series have come through in recreating the old experience.  The pointer keys command all the movements. The old and new free Mario games are also gettable for download on the web sites dedicated to <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);" href="">Mario games</a>.

Mario Still Exists In The Gaming World

The individuals of the past two decades hooked to video games are very acquainted with Mario and Nintendo. Of all the video games created in the 1980s, the Mario games were the most popular.  You will certainly agree with me when I say that Mario games were the best video games in those days! This somewhat hard to play game with a casual concept was more than addicting! The first Mario game was the Donkey Kong devised for the Atari game. Mario, with his cute looks and smart actions was the heartthrob of all the children back in 1980s and 90s.

With the help of Mario, Nintendo was always capable to win over problems. These escapades of Mario and his companions contributed to popularize the Mario game series in the video games world.  The games that had Mario on the binding produced more sales than those video games that had Nintendo and other companions on their covers. Thus, the voracious plumber Mario, who survived on a diet of spaghetti, mushrooms and flowers, was regarded as the cash cow for the success of Nintendo’s adventures.

With progression in technology, producers of Mario games are recreating the adventures of Mario and Nintendo. This has resulted in you catching up with all your childhood escapades. The Mario games are now accessible on the internet. Interestingly, the makers are now coming up with new adventures of Mario for the existing generation of kids. The sites devoted to Mario games have all the games from the days when the Mario series began. You can now live over your childhood on the Mario games internet site.

The whole series of the Mario games are obtainable for free on the net. The Mario games web sites allow you to experience all the Mario Flash games.  The new Mario games on the internet accessible for free include Super Smash Flash, Super Mario Strikers, Super Mario Mushroom, etc. These free Mario games internet sites also have forums to discuss the adventures of Mario. You can also add the Mario games that are not existing on the site from your collections.

The new adventures of Mario are sure to re kindle your childhood memories, as the creators of the new series have come through in recreating the old experience.  The pointer keys command all the movements. The old and new free Mario games are also gettable for download on the web sites dedicated to <a rel="nofollow" onclick="javascript:_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/outgoing/article_exit_link']);" href="">Mario games</a>.

Girl Dress Games

If you have noticed your girl child getting bored of dressing the same doll of few same dresses every day, introduce her to the world of online girl dress games.Today you can find secure online games sites where children as well as adults can play free variety of games, provide one is connected with internet and have the right configuration of the systems that are required for playing those games. Most of these games are flash games and hence you need flash player installed in your computer to play those games. Your girl won't be bore anymore dressing the virtual dolls online. Besides the dolls, there are many things to dress up, from little cute puppies to beautiful high-school girls who are ready to go to a prom night and wish that they get the best dresses by the player.
Don't you think how excited your daughter would become to learn about such games? You may hinder a little with the thought that the world of internet is not safe as you heard so many pathetic stories of pedophiles always lurking with trap such innocent small children and something about game sites that are not authentic. You need not worry about such things allowing your child or children to play online dress up games. The girl dress games are available in reliable and reputed sites which are completely secure and besides that the offer hundreds of options to play. Your sweet child will never get bored of playing monotonous games.
There is endless number of such girls dress games that you can find online. One reliable site that allows you to play free girl dress up games is "" This site has large selection of dress games like - City Girl, Full of cheer, Taylor's Dress, Nicky dancing hip hop, Pool Side Girls, Kiss the Princess, Pom Pom Girl, Dancing With the Stars, Rihanna Dress Up, and to name a few. All these games are fun to play and have different story lines and different themes. Your girl child would love to have the variety of such dress games and the collection of wardrobe and accessories for each game. She would readily accept the challenge to dress up any of these characters in her best out fit.
All these games are interesting and challenging to play. Surely your child will love to play the games in this site. The source is completely secure and you will love the easiness of using the site to play the games. Your child will love each and every type of game listed in the site - from traditional to modern day dress games.

Girl Dress Games

If you have noticed your girl child getting bored of dressing the same doll of few same dresses every day, introduce her to the world of online girl dress games.Today you can find secure online games sites where children as well as adults can play free variety of games, provide one is connected with internet and have the right configuration of the systems that are required for playing those games. Most of these games are flash games and hence you need flash player installed in your computer to play those games. Your girl won't be bore anymore dressing the virtual dolls online. Besides the dolls, there are many things to dress up, from little cute puppies to beautiful high-school girls who are ready to go to a prom night and wish that they get the best dresses by the player.
Don't you think how excited your daughter would become to learn about such games? You may hinder a little with the thought that the world of internet is not safe as you heard so many pathetic stories of pedophiles always lurking with trap such innocent small children and something about game sites that are not authentic. You need not worry about such things allowing your child or children to play online dress up games. The girl dress games are available in reliable and reputed sites which are completely secure and besides that the offer hundreds of options to play. Your sweet child will never get bored of playing monotonous games.
There is endless number of such girls dress games that you can find online. One reliable site that allows you to play free girl dress up games is "" This site has large selection of dress games like - City Girl, Full of cheer, Taylor's Dress, Nicky dancing hip hop, Pool Side Girls, Kiss the Princess, Pom Pom Girl, Dancing With the Stars, Rihanna Dress Up, and to name a few. All these games are fun to play and have different story lines and different themes. Your girl child would love to have the variety of such dress games and the collection of wardrobe and accessories for each game. She would readily accept the challenge to dress up any of these characters in her best out fit.
All these games are interesting and challenging to play. Surely your child will love to play the games in this site. The source is completely secure and you will love the easiness of using the site to play the games. Your child will love each and every type of game listed in the site - from traditional to modern day dress games.

Popular Car Racing Games

From teenage children to adults gamers, everyone has appreciated the latest development of online games. The children love the low end version of the games that are perfect for them and the adults and hardcore gamers love the highly sophisticated and graphical games that include games like - Volacao BMX, Pimp My BMW M5, 3D MotorBike Raci, Play MAX Drifter, MAX Drifter, Stunt Mania 3, Trooper Truck, KAMAZ Delivery, Kamaz Delivery 2, Extreme 4x4, Flash Tuning Car, Desert Rider, Mobil 1 Global, Military Rush, Urban Crusher, Red Driver 2, Mojo Karts, Offroad 4x4, ATV Offroad Thunder, Demolition Race, offroad Madness, Offroad Madness, Coche Bomba, No Limits Moto, Monster Wheelie, Bike Mania 4, Girl Rush, 4 Wheel Madness 2, Motorallye and to name a few.
The reason why most people hit the internet for online games is the wide selection of games. The large variety of games provided by the online site. There are many online gaming sites that offer popular and high end selection of games but at price that you pay through credit card or pay pal. But tehre are also other gaming websites that offers all the selective games under one roof completely free.
Just keep in mind the ideas when you play the online bike games is that you need to connect your PC with good speed internet of minimum of 256kpbs speed to load the games and play. You can play the games without any interruption if you install flash player and other such software backup required for playing the online flash oriented racing games.
Once there was a time when people used to play the games in the computer because the online games could not provide the essential elements that are required to make one feel the thrill and excitement of the games. But time has changed and now more and more people are engaged in the excitement of playing online bike games. Hit the site to find largest selection of racing games that you ever played in the game. This is one site that you should look at. It is packed with some marvelous racing games that are not available in any other site! Whether you talk of car racing games, bike racing games or any sort of adventurous games that required thrill and speed, the is the site for you

Popular Car Racing Games

From teenage children to adults gamers, everyone has appreciated the latest development of online games. The children love the low end version of the games that are perfect for them and the adults and hardcore gamers love the highly sophisticated and graphical games that include games like - Volacao BMX, Pimp My BMW M5, 3D MotorBike Raci, Play MAX Drifter, MAX Drifter, Stunt Mania 3, Trooper Truck, KAMAZ Delivery, Kamaz Delivery 2, Extreme 4x4, Flash Tuning Car, Desert Rider, Mobil 1 Global, Military Rush, Urban Crusher, Red Driver 2, Mojo Karts, Offroad 4x4, ATV Offroad Thunder, Demolition Race, offroad Madness, Offroad Madness, Coche Bomba, No Limits Moto, Monster Wheelie, Bike Mania 4, Girl Rush, 4 Wheel Madness 2, Motorallye and to name a few.
The reason why most people hit the internet for online games is the wide selection of games. The large variety of games provided by the online site. There are many online gaming sites that offer popular and high end selection of games but at price that you pay through credit card or pay pal. But tehre are also other gaming websites that offers all the selective games under one roof completely free.
Just keep in mind the ideas when you play the online bike games is that you need to connect your PC with good speed internet of minimum of 256kpbs speed to load the games and play. You can play the games without any interruption if you install flash player and other such software backup required for playing the online flash oriented racing games.
Once there was a time when people used to play the games in the computer because the online games could not provide the essential elements that are required to make one feel the thrill and excitement of the games. But time has changed and now more and more people are engaged in the excitement of playing online bike games. Hit the site to find largest selection of racing games that you ever played in the game. This is one site that you should look at. It is packed with some marvelous racing games that are not available in any other site! Whether you talk of car racing games, bike racing games or any sort of adventurous games that required thrill and speed, the is the site for you

2010 Tokyo Game Show

Since 1996, TGS has remains one of the most popular video game expos in the world. Although it primarily targets the Japanese market, it is still used by many famous international video game developers and is used as a venue for demonstrating their upcoming software titles and gaming hardware. This year TGS aims for further growth by enhancing the show's B2B and B2C functions with the goal of becoming "the No.1 Information Network in the Asian Region."

The TGS is held annually by the Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association (CESA) and Nikkei Business Publications, Inc. at the Makuhari Messe located in the famous Japanese city of Chiba. The Tokyo Game Show plans to include new and existing zones this year in its four day long expo.

The General Exhibition area will showcase digital entertainment-related products and services, including game software. The Merchandise Sales area, another standard fare at TGS, is dedicated to selling game-related products. With its format changing for 2010, sales of game software will be allowed to companies (publishers) who are also exhibitors in the General Exhibition Area or other areas.

The Family Area, new for 2010, will exhibit video games, game-related goods, and game-related services targeted for children. TGS will be lifting the limit on the number of game machines to be exhibited this year. The area will be opened to a wider range of exhibitors with the goal of making the show more enjoyable for families. The Game School Area will be designed for schools that engage in video game training.

The PC Online Game Business Area, another 2010 newcomer, shall provide opportunities for presenting and discussing licensing, sales and partnerships of online PC games with the goal of providing a cost-effective means for exhibitors to target businesses and end-consumers alike.

The new Game PC Area will introduce high-performance game PCs, motherboard graphic boards, processors, memory and hard disk drives for gaming PCs. Original game PC products and game software. The Audio-Visual & Gadget Area will showcase audio-visual equipment and other related gadgetry to enhance game playing environments. Examples of such products include 3-D television, 5.1ch audio systems and custom video gaming chairs.

The Mobile Area, new for 2010, will exhibit mobile phone content and mobile-related products access peripheral devices for the iPhone, Android, and Windows Mobile platforms. There will also be a Business Solution Area for B2B purposes as well as an International Career Pavilion designed to meet the global need for hiring new talent by providing opportunities for companies and prospective employees to connect.

In addition to its traditional line-up, the TGS plans to include new programs for 2010 such as the following:
  • Asian Game Business Summit planning
  • Tours for foreign visitors
  • VISIT JAPAN campaign participation
  • Installation of the International Career Pavilion
  • Introduction of the Media Partner System
  • Programming of online ticket sales for overseas customers
  • International Exchange Zone Installation
  • Business Matching System enhancement
  • New Asian Culture Hub
  • Addition of new Game Science Museum
Although there was initial debate about the show's length, CESA and Nikkei eventually agreed upon a duration of four days in hopes of attracting more attendees. Although initially designed for professional attendees, the Tokyo Game Show allows public attendance in the final two days.

Further details on the Tokyo Game Show can be found at

2010 Tokyo Game Show

Since 1996, TGS has remains one of the most popular video game expos in the world. Although it primarily targets the Japanese market, it is still used by many famous international video game developers and is used as a venue for demonstrating their upcoming software titles and gaming hardware. This year TGS aims for further growth by enhancing the show's B2B and B2C functions with the goal of becoming "the No.1 Information Network in the Asian Region."

The TGS is held annually by the Computer Entertainment Supplier's Association (CESA) and Nikkei Business Publications, Inc. at the Makuhari Messe located in the famous Japanese city of Chiba. The Tokyo Game Show plans to include new and existing zones this year in its four day long expo.

The General Exhibition area will showcase digital entertainment-related products and services, including game software. The Merchandise Sales area, another standard fare at TGS, is dedicated to selling game-related products. With its format changing for 2010, sales of game software will be allowed to companies (publishers) who are also exhibitors in the General Exhibition Area or other areas.

The Family Area, new for 2010, will exhibit video games, game-related goods, and game-related services targeted for children. TGS will be lifting the limit on the number of game machines to be exhibited this year. The area will be opened to a wider range of exhibitors with the goal of making the show more enjoyable for families. The Game School Area will be designed for schools that engage in video game training.

The PC Online Game Business Area, another 2010 newcomer, shall provide opportunities for presenting and discussing licensing, sales and partnerships of online PC games with the goal of providing a cost-effective means for exhibitors to target businesses and end-consumers alike.

The new Game PC Area will introduce high-performance game PCs, motherboard graphic boards, processors, memory and hard disk drives for gaming PCs. Original game PC products and game software. The Audio-Visual & Gadget Area will showcase audio-visual equipment and other related gadgetry to enhance game playing environments. Examples of such products include 3-D television, 5.1ch audio systems and custom video gaming chairs.

The Mobile Area, new for 2010, will exhibit mobile phone content and mobile-related products access peripheral devices for the iPhone, Android, and Windows Mobile platforms. There will also be a Business Solution Area for B2B purposes as well as an International Career Pavilion designed to meet the global need for hiring new talent by providing opportunities for companies and prospective employees to connect.

In addition to its traditional line-up, the TGS plans to include new programs for 2010 such as the following:
  • Asian Game Business Summit planning
  • Tours for foreign visitors
  • VISIT JAPAN campaign participation
  • Installation of the International Career Pavilion
  • Introduction of the Media Partner System
  • Programming of online ticket sales for overseas customers
  • International Exchange Zone Installation
  • Business Matching System enhancement
  • New Asian Culture Hub
  • Addition of new Game Science Museum
Although there was initial debate about the show's length, CESA and Nikkei eventually agreed upon a duration of four days in hopes of attracting more attendees. Although initially designed for professional attendees, the Tokyo Game Show allows public attendance in the final two days.

Further details on the Tokyo Game Show can be found at

The best NDs Games for kids. How to download these Games

Do you have children and do not know how to keep them busy but hate the violent games that is the latest craze on the game front. You do not want to spend a lot of money to keep them busy. Here is a list of non violent games that will keep them occupied and ay the same time keep stimulating their brains with  games that builds skills that will help them cope better in life. What if I tell you about a site where you can download loads of kids games for Nintendo Ds and Nintendo NDSi consoles? You can download all the games for less than the price of a game.
Here are the top Kids games.
1. ScribbleNauts
This is the most creative, most imaginative and most original game that ever existed in this world! For example, the mission is take starite on the tree you can use a ladder, get a lasso, ride on pegasus, fly with magic carpet or even cut the tree with axe. In one mission, there are thousands solution that need creativity to solve it and since they have more than 20.000 items that can be "scribbled", just imagine how many solution can be used.   If you seek Educational DS games to make your children creative, then you HAVE to get this game.
2. Legendary Starfy DS Games
It's an EASY and fun adventure game for children, but personally I really loved it. It's a 2D side scrolling adventure game, just like Mario Bros. It's fun, easy (even a 5 year old girl can beat this game), It has lots of Mini Games, can be played with your friends with the Wi-Fi DS Multiplayer.
3. Cooking Mama DS
This is my favorite game and it really suitable for all ages, especially for little Girls who want to seek her first Nintendo DS games. I owned both of The Cooking Mama 1 and Cooking Mama 2: Dinner with friends. The third series of Cooking Mama games is really good as well, with new recipe and new shopping feature.  Overall, this game is really fun and easy to play. You don't need to have cooking skill to play it, because in this game the girls will learn how to cook. This game has really good educational value because it teach the player how to cook with the REAL recipes.
You will be able to play these games in a few minutes from now and while you playing you can download another one of the best Dsi games available on console. The Dsi download centre has unlimited downloads at ground breaking speeds. I wish I knew about this site long ago. If you want to download these games and many more and you want to get the most out of your Dsi I strongly suggest you read more about this amazing site at
Join the Dsi download centre by following the link and you could be downloading all the best Dsi downloads for life. You will Get access to over 300,000 Dsi downloads such as music, movies, software and Dsi games. This site is continually updated and checked for VIRUSES and other undesirable items. Your download will therefore not create problems and they have a super fast server. Visit this site by clicking here

The best NDs Games for kids. How to download these Games

Do you have children and do not know how to keep them busy but hate the violent games that is the latest craze on the game front. You do not want to spend a lot of money to keep them busy. Here is a list of non violent games that will keep them occupied and ay the same time keep stimulating their brains with  games that builds skills that will help them cope better in life. What if I tell you about a site where you can download loads of kids games for Nintendo Ds and Nintendo NDSi consoles? You can download all the games for less than the price of a game.
Here are the top Kids games.
1. ScribbleNauts
This is the most creative, most imaginative and most original game that ever existed in this world! For example, the mission is take starite on the tree you can use a ladder, get a lasso, ride on pegasus, fly with magic carpet or even cut the tree with axe. In one mission, there are thousands solution that need creativity to solve it and since they have more than 20.000 items that can be "scribbled", just imagine how many solution can be used.   If you seek Educational DS games to make your children creative, then you HAVE to get this game.
2. Legendary Starfy DS Games
It's an EASY and fun adventure game for children, but personally I really loved it. It's a 2D side scrolling adventure game, just like Mario Bros. It's fun, easy (even a 5 year old girl can beat this game), It has lots of Mini Games, can be played with your friends with the Wi-Fi DS Multiplayer.
3. Cooking Mama DS
This is my favorite game and it really suitable for all ages, especially for little Girls who want to seek her first Nintendo DS games. I owned both of The Cooking Mama 1 and Cooking Mama 2: Dinner with friends. The third series of Cooking Mama games is really good as well, with new recipe and new shopping feature.  Overall, this game is really fun and easy to play. You don't need to have cooking skill to play it, because in this game the girls will learn how to cook. This game has really good educational value because it teach the player how to cook with the REAL recipes.
You will be able to play these games in a few minutes from now and while you playing you can download another one of the best Dsi games available on console. The Dsi download centre has unlimited downloads at ground breaking speeds. I wish I knew about this site long ago. If you want to download these games and many more and you want to get the most out of your Dsi I strongly suggest you read more about this amazing site at
Join the Dsi download centre by following the link and you could be downloading all the best Dsi downloads for life. You will Get access to over 300,000 Dsi downloads such as music, movies, software and Dsi games. This site is continually updated and checked for VIRUSES and other undesirable items. Your download will therefore not create problems and they have a super fast server. Visit this site by clicking here

Video game trade in

In this difficult economy, finding the money to buy new video games is becoming more and more of a struggle for many gamers.  Department store prices are high and sometimes a couple of games can cost almost as much as the console itself!

Fortunately, there is an alternative.  The way to get more for your money is to take games that might be sitting around gathering dust and do video games trade in toward the purchase of different titles at your friendly local used video game store.  When you do a video game trade in and receive store credit toward a new purchase, it can greatly reduce or even eliminate the need to come up with actual cash.  When you're broke and you just have to have that hot new Halo or Call of Duty title, look no further than your own game collection for the solution.

But what if it's a whole new game console you're after?  Say you're tired of the PlayStation 2 system that you've had for years, and you want to upgrade to a PlayStation 3 - normally that would set you back quite a bit of money, especially if you want to buy some games to play on your new console.  When you have a whole collection of video game trade in as well as the PS2 console, you could cut your cost in half or even get the PS3 for free (depending on how many PS2 game titles you have available to trade).  Not only does this save you a whole bunch of money, but you won't have all those old games cluttering up your home and gathering dust.

Even if the game store doesn't have the game or system console that you're looking for, you can still do a video game trade in and get cash for them.  Cash is which you can take to a store that does sell what you want to buy.  It's usually worth your while to buy at the same store where you sell your games though, since the store credit prices given are often higher than cash prices.

In some areas, you may find that there are no used video game stores operating within a convenient driving distance.  That need not be an obstacle though, as you can create a video game trade in through numerous online web sites as well.  When you visit such a site, you will generally type in the titles of the games, accessories, and system consoles you wish to sell and a price quote will be generated.  Some sites will even provide a pre-paid postage label for you to print out so that your items ship for free!  (However, if you are doing a video game trade in for many games or a system of very high value, you will probably want to ship them by an insured and traceable method, such as UPS or FedEx Ground.)