How to Dominate Mafia Wars: Tips to Domination | Mafia Wars Strategies How to Dominate Mafia Wars: Tips to Domination | Mafia Wars Strategies

Here are some more Mafia Wars tips and tricks I’d like to share with you. There are also some Mafia Wars “cheats” I will discuss in this site when I have completed writing these articles. So you actually did create an account for Zynga’s bestseller Facebook game, Mafia Wars. I hope you followed my advice in the previous post on how to enjoy Mafia Wars regarding how to create a fake clan tag for your account nickname. Did you really put [LCN] or {Sicilians} tag on your newbie Mafioso? If yes, you are my kind of mob guy or gal for that matter. I don’t see any reason why you won’t take advantage of this fake clan tag trick, it’s so easy to do and yet so effective. Nobody is going to mess around with you when would-be bullies see your name with a powerful clan’s tag!
Some Tips and Tricks for Mafia Wars
Now here is another neat trick for you to learn. Mafia Wars is a numbers game. The more members you have in your Mafia Family. It pisses me off to see level 400 players with less than 200 Mafia members. I pity them so much, I keep killing them a dozen times hoping they are online and beg me to stop. Once they send me a peace message, I apologize and tell them they are playing Mafia Wars like a noob. It amuses that they still don’t understand that being high-level in Mafia Wars is useless if they have less than 501 Mafia Members. Yes that is right, in order for you to be competitive in Mafia Wars, you gotta have the maximum 501 members in your Mafia Family. Look at mine, I have more than 5,000 Mafia members but you only need to have 501 to maximize your Mafia Attack and Defense Rating. I only recruited so many Mafia members as a back-up army to help me punish all my aggravating enemies at Mafia Wars. I like whacking people when I have nothing to do at the office. But sometimes, a number of onion-skinned people take it too personally and hold grudges. They put me on their most-hated list. Even if I only killed them less than half-a dozen times, they will keep on hitlisting me and setting their Mafia family to attack me all week-long! The best way to shut up any whiny loser is to also set your 5,000-strong Mafia family to attack him continuously. The more Mafia family members you have, the more ruthless you can nuke any enemy that pisses you off.
Your Mafia Attack and Defense Rating is based on the number of your Mafia family members and the best weapons, armors and vehicles you can equip them with. So don’t be stupid and lazy, recruit and keep recruiting as many Mafia Members as you can. They don’t really need to be high level players, just recruit at least 501 members as soon as possible to maximize your current Mafia Attack and Defense rating.
One easy way to do earn 501 Mafia members fast is for you to join Mafia Wars pimpin’ group at Facebook. The network set a maximum of 30 possible friend invites too all of its games. Knowing these, you can only invite up to 30 friends for Mafia Wars every 24 hours and it’s gonna take you more than 2 weeks to achieve your target of 501 members. Click the links below, they are the URL of my favorite Mafia Wars pimping groups on Facebook. You only need to sign up or join these groups to access millions of Mafia Wars addicts. You can click any of the posted Mafia Wars Invite links to add them into your Mafia Family! There are thousands of new want-member messages and Mafia Wars lnvite links being posted every hour. If you are patient enough to do 501 clicks, you can recruit your target 501 mafia members in one day.

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