MMA Pro Fighter Hack MMA Pro Fighter Hack

MMA Pro Fighter Tips, Cheats
Attribute Points Distribution: You get stat points from leveling up. Put most of them into your Cardio Attribute. Every other level up put 1 point into your Health Attribute. Don’t bother putting points into Stamina. Cardio will help you win fights most of the time. Just have enough health to last longer. Stamina is not very important during low-levels. It regenerates 10 points every 1 minute. You only need Stamina to do training so it is not a priority. Health attribute regenerates very slow compared to Stamina, 1 point per minute.
Finish all the Training sessions up to their level 3 maximum. The more you train, the more tough your fighter will be. You get a cash reward and some bonus experience points too.
Maximize one martial arts skill tree first. While it may seem cute to have so many martial arts skills, it will cost a lot of money to do so. Since you are just a beginner you won’t have enough money to get all these fancy skills, consequently you will be burdened with too many weak skills. It is also a good tactic to learn some Defensive techniques under the Wrestling category.
Fighting on MMA is best done against other players 2 levels higher or lower than you. You gotta use common sense too. When you want to fight somebody, check out his martial arts skills first and his Constitution rating. Choose the ones with Weak or Strong only Constitution rating. Choose also targets with level 1 or level 2 skills only. This game flaw of allowing a player to see another player’s stats and skills is a great way to exploit the fighting system. If you are a risk-taker like me, try to fight opponents who are 4 or 5 higher level than you. You only get almost the same XP and cash reward for beating them but you get a lot more pleasure in beating them.
Do boss fights that are 4 or more lower levels than you. This way you get a better chance of winning and getting a substantial cash and XP points reward.
DOWNLOAD HACK HERE : Coming soon this is a new game

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