Top 10 Games on Facebook: Play the Ten Most Popular Games on Facebook Top 10 Games on Facebook: Play the Ten Most Popular Games on Facebook

I have been preaching before that superior gaming experience is the main reason why Facebook became the world’s biggest social network in 2009. MySpace used to be the biggest social network but Facebook made the right decision to open its platform to more casual gaming companies. Although Friendster is trying to catch up in the area of social gaming, it’s still no match to top games offered in Facebook like Zynga’s hit FarmVille and Cafe World, which are not offered in MySpace and made the big difference. Facebook hit 350 million unique users last November 2009 and dethroned MySpace. Check out this impressive gaming stats for Facebook for the month of January 2010. I am only stating the ten most popular casual games in Facebook but nevertheless, it should be a wake-up call to MySpace to offer better games to match the Top 10 Games on Facebook which are very popular these days.
Top 10 Facebook Games Screenshot: Best Games in Your Account
List of Top 10 Games on Facebook Including Publishers
  1. FarmVille – 75,476475 Monthly Active Users (Publisher: Zynga)
  2. Birthday Cards – 40,006,340 Monthly Active Users (Publisher: RockYou)
  3. Cafe World – 30,264,162 Monthly Active Users (Publisher:Zynga)
  4. Happy Aquarium – 27,672,775 Monthly Active users (Publisher: CrowdStar)
  5. FishVille – 25,221,818 Monthly Active Users (Publisher: Zynga)
  6. Texas HoldEm Poker – 25,043,598 M.A.U. (Publisher: Zynga)
  7. Mafia Wars (our favorite game) – 24,398,295 M.A.U. (Publisher: Zynga)
  8. Pet Society – 18,946,228 M.A.U. (Publisher: PlayFish)
  9. PetVille – 17,951,764 M.A.U. (Publisher: Zynga)
  10. Zoo World – 16,206,134 M.A.U. (Publisher: RockYou)
Zynga continues to dominate Facebook with 6 titles in the top ten. FishVille Farmville is far ahead with over 75M players around the world. However, RockYou’s Birthday Cards and Zoo World are the biggest gainers for the month of January. Birthday Card increased its player’s base by 7,675,864 while Zoo world garnered 5,861,022 additional new players. The biggest drop of player population belongs to Pet Society by PlayFish. Compared to December 2009 numbers, Pet Society is lower by 2,242,671.

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