DOWNLOAD Kaspersky 2012 fr
Voici l'antivirus Kaspersky 2012 en version française avec la clé d'activation
Il s'agit de la version c'est la version complète de ce produit
cette version avancé de Kaspersky security ne ralenti pas votre ordinateur et vous garantie une sécurité optimale
- download Clés d'activation de tout les version de Kaspersky
Voici des clés d'activation pour tout les version de kaspersky
Date de mise à jours 03/11/2011
Kav Kis 2006
Kav Kis 2007
Kav Kis 2008
Kav Kis 2009
Kav Kis 2010
Kav Kis 2011
Kav Kis 2012
Kaspersky CRYSTAL
Kaspersky Anti-Virus SOS
Kaspersky Internet Gateway
Kaspersky OpenSpace Security
Kaspersky Personal Security Suite 2.0
Kaspersky Small Office Security
- télécharger Kaspersky Anti Virus et Kaspersky Internet Security
Kaspersky Anti Virus et Kaspersky Internet Security fournit un niveau de protection pour votre PC grâce à la combinaison optimale de la technologie antivirus traditionnelle et les méthodes modernes de proactive qualitativement. Produits faciles à installer et à configurer, ils offrent une plus grande chance d'adapter le travail selon les besoins individuels des utilisateurs. Programmes diffèrent non seulement intégrer parfaitement avec la famille de systèmes d'exploitation Microsoft Windows, mais la compatibilité avec d'autres logiciels pour protéger les ordinateurs personnels.
Au cours de la préparation du produit plusieurs offres de concurrent étaient considérés comme et analysés - pare-feu, systèmes de suites de sécurité, qui se positionnent comme proactive dans les systèmes de hanches et de défense. Combinaison des développements novateurs de clôture et les résultats d'analyse recueillis par le biais de l'industrie a permis à sauter sur un nouveau niveau de protection pour les utilisateurs de personnels, par lequel offrant encore plus endurcis et moins ennuyeux protection informatique contre tous les types de menaces électroniques – programmes malveillants de différents types, attaques de pirates, spam mailings, trousses de programme-racine, courriels hameçons, fenêtres popup de publicité etc..
Caractéristiques :
Protection essentielle :
* Protège contre les virus, les chevaux de Troie et les vers
* Bloque les logiciels espions et publicitaires
* Analyse les fichiers en temps réel (sur l'accès) et sur demande
* Balayages par courriel des messages (indépendamment du client de messagerie)
* Analyse le trafic Internet (indépendamment du navigateur)
* Protège les messagers instantanés (ICQ, MSN)
* Offre une protection proactive contre les menaces inconnues
* Analyse les scripts Java et Visual Basic
Protection prolongée :
* Pare-feu personnel bidirectionnelle
* Les connexions Wi-Fi sécuritaire et VPN
* Système de prévention d'intrusion
* Contrôle et gestion des applications intelligent
o configuré automatiquement des règles d'application
cote de sécurité o est assignée aux applications inconnues
o accès aux ressources et aux données de l'utilisateur est limité pour les applications inconnues
Protection préventive :
* Scanne les système d'exploitation et les applications installées pour les vulnérabilités
* Analyse et ferme des vulnérabilités de Internet Explorer
* Désactive les liens vers les sites de logiciels malveillants
* Détecte les virus basés sur les packers utilisées pour compresser code
* Menace global surveillance (Kaspersky Security Network)
Protection avancée et récupération :
* Le programme peut être installé sur les ordinateurs infectés
* Autoprotection soit désactivé ou arrêté
* Restaurations corriger les paramètres système après la suppression de logiciels malveillants
* Les outils permettant de créer un disque de secours
Données et identité protection contre le vol :
* Désactive les liens vers faux sites Web (phishing)
* Bloque tous les types d'enregistreurs de frappe
* Clavier virtuel est fourni pour entrer en toute sécurité les logins et mots de passe
* Empêche le vol de données échangées via des connexions sécurisées (HTTPS / SSL)
* Connexions commutées non autorisées de blocs
* Nettoie les traces de l'activité de l'utilisateur (Delete temporary files, cookies etc..)
Filtrage de contenu :
* Contrôle parental
* Amélioré la protection antispam (plugins pour Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, The Bat!, Thunderbird)
* Bannières de blocs sur les pages web
Facilité d'utilisation :
* Configuration automatique lors de l'installation
* Assistants pour les tâches courantes
* Rapports visuels avec diagrammes et graphiques
* Alertes fournissent toutes les informations nécessaires pour les décisions de l'utilisateur averti
* Mode automatique ou interactive
* Support technique 24 heures sur 24
· Mises à jour de la base de données automatique
- Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2012 Final
installation:.extraire archive
2. installer le logiciel
3. debrancher l'ordinateur d'internet
4. entré la clé d'activation si ::( AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAAA-AAAA3 )et si vous avez une erreur c'est normal il va afficher une case en dessou et la il va falloir aller chercher le fichier
-DOWNLOAD – Panda Security Produtos 2012 Final + Crack
Produits de Panda comprennent des outils de sécurité pour les utilisateurs domestiques et les entreprises, y compris la protection contre la cybercriminalité et les types de logiciels malveillants qui peuvent endommager les systèmes informatiques, tels que le spam, les pirates, les logiciels espions, les numéroteurs et les contenus Web indésirables, ainsi que la détection d'intrusions WiFi. Sa technologie de marque, marque TruPrevent, est un ensemble de fonctionnalités proactives visant à bloquer les virus inconnus et les intrusions. Initialement centré sur la production de logiciels antivirus, la société a élargi sa gamme d'applications à inclure les applications de pare-feu, les applications de détection de spam et les logiciels espions, la technologie de prévention contre la cybercriminalité et la gestion des autres systèmes et outils de sécurité pour les entreprises et les utilisateurs à domicile. Panda Internet Security 2012Panda Internet Security est une solution de sécurité complète pour les entreprises et les professionnels à plaque de blindage sur votre ordinateur. Panda Internet Security vous permet d'utiliser l'Internet pour rien, comme le magasinage et les opérations bancaires en ligne, avec une totale tranquillité d'esprit et sans aucune interruption. Il vous protège des virus, les pirates, la fraude en ligne, vol d'identité et toutes les autres menaces connues et inconnues. Panda Global Protection 2012 Protégez-vous contre tous les types de menaces en ligne: virus, pirates, la fraude en ligne, vol d'identité et tous les autres programmes malveillants connus et inconnus. Gardez votre boîte de réception sans spam et de naviguer en toute sécurité et en privé sur l'Internet avec le navigateur nouveau Panda sûr. Vos enfants vont naviguer en toute sécurité sur Internet avec le contrôle parental amélioré, tandis que le Vault Panda sécurisé vous permettra de crypter des fichiers et de dossiers privés ou de les éliminer à tout jamais. Panda Global Protection est une solution informatique complète de protection qui vous permettra de sécuriser vos données et les conserver à l'abri des menaces externes. Voici quelques caractéristiques principales de "Panda Global Protection»: Moteur anti-malware: · Détecte et élimine automatiquement les virus, spywares, chevaux de Troie, rootkits, bots et autres logiciels malveillants avant qu'ils n'infectent votre ordinateur. · Analyse des fichiers en temps réel et sur demande · Analyse les emails avant qu'ils n'atteignent votre boîte de réception, quelle que soit votre programme de messagerie. · Analyse le trafic Internet quelque soit votre type de navigateur · Analyse le trafic de messagerie instantanée sur MSN Messenger, Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger et AOL. · Enlève toutes les traces laissées par les logiciels espions sur votre PC. Panda Antivirus Pro 2012 Plus d'un antivirus simple! Panda Antivirus Pro offre la protection la plus simple et plus intuitif pour votre ordinateur. Installez-le et oubliez les virus, les spywares, les rootkits, les pirates et la fraude en ligne. Chat, partager des photos et des vidéos, faire du shopping en ligne et les services bancaires, lire vos blogs favoris ou naviguez sur le Web avec une totale tranquillité d'esprit et sans interruptions. Merci à la technologie d'Intelligence Collective, ce produit est plus sûr, plus rapide et plus complète que jamais. Par ailleurs, Panda Antivirus Pro offrira une protection maximale avec un impact minimal sur votre ordinateur via son facile à utiliser et intuitive. Voici quelques caractéristiques principales de "Panda Antivirus Pro": Protection contre les logiciels espions: · Protège votre vie privée en empêchant les logiciels espions d'être installé sur votre ordinateur. La protection anti-spyware empêche ce type de logiciel de compilation de données sur vos habitudes et préférences d'Internet. Protection contre les menaces inconnues: · Merci aux Technologies TruPrevent révolutionnaires, aujourd'hui plus que jamais, vous serez protégé contre les malwares en tout temps. Protection contre tous les types de logiciels malveillants: · Non seulement vous êtes protégé contre les virus. Maintenant vous avez une protection intégrée, capable de lutter contre tous les types de logiciels malveillants: les outils de piratage, canulars, cookies malveillants, virus, etc Panda Internet Security 2012 pour les Netbooks PROTECTION pour votre netbook (valable pour tous les types de PC) Naviguer sur Internet en toute sécurité et de discuter avec une totale tranquillité d'esprit. Protection contre les virus, la fraude en ligne, vol d'identité, des courriels non sollicités et les cybercriminels. Protection pour votre Netbook contre toute sorte de menaces Protégez vos données personnelles contre le vol d'identité Protégez vos communications contre la fraude en ligne Protégez votre réseau contre les pirates et les intrus Panda Internet Security 2012 pour les Netbooks vous permet d'obtenir le maximum de votre Netbo
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
-Avast! Internet Security 6.0.1367 Final
Avast! Internet Security - antivirus software for comprehensive protection for your computer in real time. In the sixth version of the virus has a new function "AutoSandbox virtualization" (virtual sandbox) - which is a virtual environment, which is the likeness of a virtual machine. Run and check your files and applications is carried out automatically within this environment. AutoSandbox alone will prompt the user to check a suspicious application. If you check the antivirus suspected existence of a threat, then creates a virtual environment just off, blocking further distribution of
of malware. The product consists of firewall, antivirus and anti spam. In addition, the distribution is on scaner (ashCmd.exe), working from the command line. Avast! scans your PC for viruses, hard disk, its memory, boot sectors, etc. It is also supported by a virus scan in letters and a script blocker.
New in Version 6
- AutoSandbox - suspicious programs will be further isolated work
- Avast! WebRep - browser plugin for a site rating reputation, a combination of data from our laboratory, the virus and the community vote
- Script Shield now even in the free AV
- Blocking the site is now even free AV
- SafeZone - Special virtual domain for sensitive operations (such as security of online banking) (paid only products)
- Restore Factory Settings command (Settings -> Troubleshooting)
- Automatic loading of a scanning
- A new method of compression in the installer makes the installation of approximately 20% less.
- Script Shield now functional even with IE8/IE9 protected mode
- Sidebar Gadget
- Improved stability and compatibility behavior of the shield
- Improvements in Avast! sandbox
A list of the most important changes in version 6.0.1367:
- Screen script now works with Google Chrome, and all versions of Firefox and Acrobat Reader
- Improvements in plugins WebRep (especially for IE)
- Stability improvements in aswSP.sys and Avast! sandbox
- Improved display the file system
- New anti-spam engine Avast! Internet Security
- Web screen and screen scenarios: more features to the user interface
- The product is added to Avast! Market
- Various fixes for stability and security
Information about the program:
Year: 2011
File Size: 83.6 Mb
License: the key to 18/04/2012
Language: ML / Russian
Compatibility: Windows XP/Vista/7
- Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security 2012
Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security 2012 |112.89 MB
Trend Micro Titanium Maximum Security revolutionises Internet Security. Proven Cloud-based technology automatically stops Viruses & Spyware before they reach your computer - it's a whole new way to protect your PC.
Features Of Titanium Maximum Security:
Finds and blocks annoying and dangerous junk email and image spams. The real-time spam detection provides immediate protection from outbreaks.
Safeguard you from the latest on-line threats today and in the future. Titanium Maximum Security leverages Trend Micro's Smart Protection Network plus real-time antivirus scanning to provide always-on-guard protection keeping you safe from latest, ever-evolving malware threats.
Protect your children from inappropriate websites, limit their time on the Internet, and see detailed reports about what they do online, without having to look over their shoulders.
Prevent hackers and spyware from stealing credit card numbers, passwords, email addresses, and other sensitive data.
Stop protected data from going into web pages, email messages or instant messaging. Use the pre-defined categories or set new ones of your own. Putting just part of a word or number into the Data Theft Prevention list can still protect the whole thing. For example, entering just the last four digits or your credit card can block spyware from getting the entire number.
A password protected folder that can safeguard your sensitive files. If your computer is lost or stolen, you can remotely lock this vault to keep these files safe.
Deleting a file just removes the directory information used to find it, but not the actual data. Secure Erase overwrites deleted files with random data, so that the contents can't be retrieved.
Recover disk space, make Microsoft Windows start faster, clean out your instant messaging history, and optimise your computer's performance. Schedule automatic tune-ups to keep your PC running smoothly.
Titanium is powered by Trend Micro Smart Protection Network which gathers and analyses threat data, blocking viruses and other malware BEFORE they can reach your PC. Because the processing is done "in the cloud", Titanium uses less of your PC's memory and disk space, so it won't slow you down.
Easy to read graphic reports provide you with all the details about the threats that attack your computer. You can drill down into detailed logs with just one click.
The Titanium Maximum Tool Centre displays a page of shortcuts so you can easily access and manage features such as Parental Controls, System Tuner, Secure Erase and more. From the Tool Center you can turn features ON or OFF for a solution tailored to your individual internet security needs.
Home Page -
- Avira AntiVirus Premium
Avira AntiVirus Premium Plus Key Till 2014
Avira AntiVir Premium reliably protects you against all threats from viruses, worms, trojans, rootkits, phishings, adware, spyware, bots, and dangerous drive-by downloads. Best detection rates and top-class security with several updates every day.
Advanced protection: Includes basic antivirus protection PLUS: email protection (POP3) , AntiPhishing, AntiSpyware, AntiAdware and more.
With real-time on-access scanning, profile-based on-demand scans and scheduling of full system scanning and updates it offers premium protection. It includes a POP3 based MailScanner that scans emails before they are stored on your machine. With a user-friendly control center, quarantine management, fast performance and world leading detection rates the Avira AntiVir Premium provides essential protection for your PC.
AntiVir Personal offers effective protection against computer viruses for the individual and private use on a single PC-workstation. It detects and removes viruses and includes an Internet-Update Wizard for easy updating. The built in resident Virus Guard serves to monitor file movements automatically, for example when downloading files from the Internet. Heuristic scanning protects Protection against previously unknown macro viruses. Even though viruses have now grown very numerous, one thing hasn't changed: our commitment to provide you with all-round protection. The reliability of AntiVir is demonstrated in numerous comparison test and references featured in independent trade journals.
Premium Protection:
* AntiVir
* AntiAd/Spyware
* AntiPhishing
* AntiRootkit
* AntiDrive-by
* AntiBot
* EmailScanner
* WebGuard
* RescueSystem
Premium functions:
Protection against viruses, worms and Trojans
Protection against expensive dialers
Detects and deletes rootkits
NEW: Raised scan speed
NEW: Redesigned visual appearance
Protection against phishing
Protection against spyware
Special protection against email viruses (POP 3)
Fast updates through Premium Server
5 Euro donation to Auerbach Foundation
Protection against annoying adware
NEW: System to create a Rescue-CD
Operating system: Windows 2000 (SP 4 recommended) / Windows XP and XP 64 Bit (SP 2 recommended) / Windows Vista 32 Bit and 64 Bit
Install The Application First!
Then Use The Key till Dec 2014
- ESET NOD32 Antivirus v5.0.95.0 Final (x64)
You didn't buy your computer to run antivirus. That's why ESET NOD32 Antivirus gives you fast, effective and easy-to-use protection without getting in your way. Smart proactive detection blocks most known and emerging threats hours or days faster than other antivirus technologies.
Fast, light and unobtrusive software protects your Internet experience without annoying system slowdowns. ESET NOD32 Antivirus provides the world's fastest and most effective proactive antivirus and antispyware protection for your home.
Here are some key features of "ESET NOD32 Antivirus":
Smarter Scanner:
- Threats don't always enter your network in ways you expect. ESET NOD32 Antivirus inspects SSL-encrypted communication channels like HTTPS and POP3S and intelligently scans compressed files to find hidden threats other products miss. Proactive protection begins at the earliest point in system startup to ensure your computer is always secure.
Clean and Safe Email:
- Email scanning for Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird, Windows Live Mail, Windows Mail, and other POP3/IMAP mail clients, ensuring your email is free of viruses and other threats.
Removable Media Security:
- Threats can enter your PC from removable media such as USB thumb drives. For self-running media, ESET NOD32 Antivirus scans autorun.inf and associated files when the medium is inserted, in addition to scanning any file on any removable device when it is accessed, or during a full-scan of the media. Power users can adjust ESET NOD32 Antivirus to perform additional levels of scanning on removable media.
System Tools:
- ESET SysInspector and ESET SysRescue simplify diagnosing and cleaning of infected systems by allowing deep scans of system processes to find hidden threats, and creating bootable rescue CD/DVD or USB drives to help you repair an infected computer.
Self Defense:
- ESET NOD32 Antivirus has built-in technology to prevent malicious software from corrupting or disabling it, so you can rest assured your system is always protected.
Many Usability Improvements:
- Energy-sipping battery mode extends laptop battery life without compromising security
- Advanced Protection Status screen informs you of threat detections
- Information pop-ups are hidden when running full screen applications like games, video players or presentations
- Password protection prevents ESET NOD32 Antivirus from being uninstalled by strangers
- New interface and keyboard shortcuts simplify use for visually impaired users
- Memory: 44 MB
- Disk Space (Download): 28 MB
- Disk Space (Installation): 35 MB
What's New in This Release:
- Host-based Intrusion Prevention System (HIPS) protects your system from malware and unwanted activity attempting to negatively affect your computer. HIPS utilizes advanced behavioral analysis coupled with the detection capabilities of network filtering to monitor running processes, files and registry keys, actively blocking and preventing any such attempts.
Join ESET Live Grid network:
- Built on advanced early warning system, ESET Live Grid is designed to provide additional levels of security to your computer. It constantly monitors your system-s running programs and processes against the latest intelligence collected from millions of ESET users worldwide. Additionally, your system scans are processed faster and more precisely as the ESET Live Grid database grows over time. This allows us to offer greater proactive protection and speed of scanning to all our users. We recommend that you activate this feature and we thank you for your support.
-AVG Anti-Virus Free 2012 12.0 Build 1872a4616
AVG Anti-Virus FREE Edition is the well-known anti-virus protection tool. AVG Anti-Virus FREE is available free-of-charge to home users for the life of the product! Rapid virus database updates are available for the lifetime of the product, thereby providing the high-level of detection capability that millions of users around the world trust to protect their computers. AVG Anti-Virus FREE is easy-to-use and will not slow your system down (low system resource requirements).
AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition is for private, non-commercial, single home computer use only. Use of AVG Free Edition within any organization or for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited. Your use of AVG Free Edition shall be in accordance with and is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the AVG Free Edition License Agreement which accompanies AVG Free Edition.
Surf, and search with confidence, while LinkScanner® keeps you safe from harmful sites
Get online and offline protection from viruses, spyware, and other nasties
Enjoy consistently high-speed PC performance with our new enhanced virus scanner
Automatic updates keep your protection current
Compatible with Windows XP, Vista, and Windows 7
Protection against identity theft
AVG’s unique Identity Protection technology ensures that when you shop and bank online, your bank account information, passwords, and other important personally-identifiable information can’t be stolen. As a bonus, Identity Protection also keeps you safe against new and unknown threats before they can cause harm.
Protection from hackers
AVG’s enhanced firewall keeps hackers’ prying eyes out of your private business. These remote trespassers can view or steal information, take control of your computer for nefarious purposes like botnets and spamming. It even includes a game mode to keep you protected without interrupting your play.
Protection against spammers and scammers
AVG’s anti-spam protection makes sure your email inbox is kept clear of unwanted junk mail, offers for products you don’t want or need, and solicitations from scammy marketers looking to separate you from your money.
Protection for instant messaging, downloads, and social networking
AVG’s Web Shield is on constant guard, making sure any files you exchange using MSN or ICQ instant messaging, download, or share with friends in your social networks are safe from viruses, spyware, and other nasties.
Protection against sophisticated rootkits
While AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition can detect a few rootkits, most of these threats are so complex and sophisticated that powerful tools are needed to root them out from deep inside your PC.
- SUPERAntiSpyware Free & Pro 5.0.1136
SUPERAntiSpyware Pro - professional program for scanning and destroying various types of malicious software. The program scans your computer and removes: spyware (spyware), adware (adware), Trojans, dialers, worms, keyloggers and other malicious software. Means of the program found the parasites can be removed or quarantined. You can scan in three ways: with the rapid scanning checked only the most common sites of infection, in full - all the files, and the third mode, you can select the scan area. Built-in
scheduler to help organize the verification of the computer in given time. In addition, the program can protect against changes in the browser start page, to restore the settings for Internet connections, desktop, security of Internet Explorer and many other parameters. To effectively combat spyware and malicious software, the utility automatically updates the database via the Internet.
Its technology allows work to identify and eliminate malware and viruses that evade conventional antivirus protection and permanently penetrate the system. SuperAntiSpyware Pro is easy to remove pests such as WinFixer, SpyAxe, SpyFalcon, and thousands of thousands of others. SUPERAntiSpyware also has a monitor that monitors suspicious activity in the system detects, blocks and removes spyware activity, adware, malware, trojans, keyloggers invaders, dialers, Hi-Jackers, Worms and more.
- Fast, complete, and a special scanning hard drives, registry, memory and other
- Detect and remove spyware, adware, trojans, dialers, worms, keyloggers, etc.
- Restoration of damaged internet connection, desktop, registry, etc.
- Blocking malware in real time
- Built-in scheduler system scan at the specified time
- Detailed logs scan with complete information on each pest
- Slightly computer loads and does not conflict with existing antivirus programs.
-The Cleaner 2012
The Cleaner - is a program to find and remove your computer of viruses, trojans, spyware and other malicious adware. Including the option of monitoring files and processes the program will always follow all the programs and processes on your computer and dangerous changes will inform you, or just delete them if the files will be in danger.
Some possibilities:
• Fast scanning engine
• Intelligent scanning or scan selected drives
• Quarantine allows you to restore files at any time
• White List to block scanning of files and folders
• No conflicts with other software anti-virus/anti-malware
• Command line support
• Context menu integration
• Add files to scan directly into the program
• Secure connection to news and updates
• Advanced heuristics for unknown threats
- Trojan Killer v2.1.1.2
trojan Killer - a program to clean your computer from any aggressive threats! If you are - an active internet user, you should take steps to protect your personal information against cyber-criminals. Trojan Killer will help you! She promptly identify (recognize) and safely remove dangerous malware Trojans - spyware and adware, malware, and restricting the activities of blocking tools, keyloggers, etc. before irreversible sad events come in the form of stolen accounts, passwords, credit card numbers, personal, corporate and other information.
The main advantages of Trojan Killer:
- Powerful protection against viruses (trojans, worms, etc.)
- Continuous monitoring systems
- Protection of personal data from cyber criminals
- Convenient and easy to exploit interface
- Support for all operating systems (including Windows 7).
Information about the program:
Year: 2011
File Size: 20.08 Mb
License: cracked with loader
Language: Eng
Compatibility: Windows XP/Vista/7
- Anti-Trojan Elite 5.5.5
Anti-Trojan Elite™ (ATE) is a malware remover, it can detect and clean malware in disk or memory. Malware is software designed specifically to damage or disrupt a system, such as a trojan horse, a spyware or a keylogger. ATE contains a Real-Time File Firewall, it monitor system and clean malwares immediately. It is also a system security tools, you can view and control processes and TCP/IP network connections. Anti Trojan Elite provide a real-time malware firewall for user,once a trojan or keylogger would been
loaded, the ATE can detect, block and then clean it in time. The ATE can detect more than 35000 trojans, worms and keyloggers currently, and the number of malware ATE could clean is growing up very quickly, we collect world-wide malwares, user can using our auto live update feature to get the power to clean these new malwares in time.
Anti Trojan Elite has some useful utilities especially. The network utility can been used to disconnect suspicious TCP connections; The process utility can been used to kill suspicious processes even the process has the system priviage, even it has the ability to unload suspicious modules in all processes; The registry repair utility can been used to repair registry altered by malware; The registry monitor utility can been used to repair any change of important registry keys and values with real time.
• Real-time malware firewall, protecting user's computer in real-time.
• Detecting and cleaning binded malware, doesn't hurt normal file and clean the malware.
• Detecting and cleaning no process malware, some malware don't have a EXE file, they are only some DLL files and running as some threads in other process, ATE can detect and clean this type of malware even it's running.
• Free tools. View the information of Tcp/Ip states and processes informations.
• Disk and memory scan supported.
• Real-time malware firewall.
• Compressed files (RAR ZIP CAB) scan supported.
• Backup module: Backup trojan files before killing.
• Network Manager. View the tcp/udp states and the processes they belonged to. User can disconnect any tcp connection and stop the opposite process.
• Process manager. View the processes and its DLL modules' information. User can terminate any process and unload any DLL module.
• Internet Explorer and registry repair utility.
• Updating online supported, and auto check updates when ATE starts.
• Real-time registry monitor utility.
- Spyware Terminator 2012 & Portable
Spyware Terminator is a FREE, easy-to-use and effective spyware remover providing real-time protection against spyware, adware, keyloggers, trojan horses, browser hijackers and other malware threats. Spyware Terminator protects your computer through powerful real-time protection shield, advanced system scanning and keeping found spyware in the safe quarantine.
Bring your computer protection to the next level! Get a unique combination of real-time antispyware protection and alerts that help prevent you from entering potentially dangerous websites.
Spyware Terminator includes:
• Fast spyware scanning
• 100% real-time protection
• HIPS protection
• Antivirus protection
• Multilanguage Support
Key Features of Spyware Terminator:
• Free Spyware Removal
Spyware Terminator will scan your computer for known threats and report findings in a manner that is easy to read and interpret. Every entry is given a rating and a classification, which makes it very easy to decide if a detected item should be removed. Unlike some free software titles, Spyware Terminator will remove all threats for free.
• Free Automatic Updates
Spyware Terminator offers the ability to download and install updates automatically. Users are free to dictate how often Spyware Terminator checks for updates and how they are applied.
• Free Scheduled Scans
Spyware Terminator gives users the ability to schedule spyware scans on a regular basis to ensure computer integrity. Scans can be scheduled on either a daily or a weekly basis at any hour of the day.
• Free AntiVirus Integration
Spyware Terminator has included the popular award winning open-source antivirus, Clam AntiVirus (ClamAV), for optional integration to achieve a higher level of security. ClamAV can be integrated into spyware scans, updates and the real-time protection.
• Free Support
Not only is the Spyware Terminator free, but support is included for free as well. Support is provided through e-mail and our public forum. Our highly qualified support team responds to all issues in a timely manner.
• Free for Personal & Commercial Use
Spyware Terminator is licensed for free for both home and business use.
We are striving to make Spyware Terminator accessible for non-English speaking users. Currently we offer localization in 16 languages: English, Portuguese, Czech, Spanish, Hungarian, Catalan, Italian, French, Serbian, German, Polish, Valencian, Bosnian, Turkish, Swedish, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Dutch.
- Advanced Installer Architect 8.7 Build 40236
Advanced Installer Architect 8.7 Build 40236 | 39.64 MB
Advanced Installer is a Windows Installer authoring tool which enables developers and system administrators to easily build reliable MSI packages. Advanced Installer is a useful tool for administrators and developers which allows them to create reliable MSI packages.
Windows Installer is becoming the "de facto" software installation technology on Windows. Being preinstalled on the latest Microsoft operating systems, and also bundled with the most popular productivity packages (Office, etc.) this software installer provides a significant number of power features that improve application management and administration.
This power doesn't come without pitfalls, and the most important of them all is the complexity. Creating an MSI file requires careful planning and editing of dozens of database tables.
Hundreds of pages of documentation must be read, countless lists of rules must be followed. Building a Windows Installer package may take days or even weeks. This is where a MSI creation tool comes to help.
*Advanced Installer makes MSI creation a snap
*Advanced Installer integrates in automated build tools
*Install and register the resources composing your application
*Search, download and install Prerequisites
*Organize your application in modules and components
*Secure and choose your package's presentations
*Extend the installation process with Custom Actions
*Customize the installation User Interface
OS : Win XP/2000/Vista/Win 7
Language : English
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- Nitro PDF Professional v7.0.1.5 x86 & x64
Nitro PDF Professional v7.0.1.5 (x86)| 43.85 MB
Nitro PDF Professional v7.0.1.5 (x64) 46.67 MB
Nitro PDF Professional, the complete Adobe® Acrobat® alternative, enables you to do more with PDF through powerful tools to create, convert, edit, combine, secure, annotate, form-fill, and save 100% industry-standard PDF files. Recipient of multiple best product awards, Nitro Pro is specifically designed for the business user and makes working with PDF faster and easier than ever before!
Create PDF
Create PDF and PDF/A files from virtually any Windows application, with full control over PDF output options. Offering one-click conversion for many commonly-used file types (including Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPerfect, and more), Nitro PDF Professional simplifies the PDF creation process. All PDF files created with Nitro PDF Professional are 100% compatible with other PDF viewing applications including Adobe Reader and Adobe Acrobat.
Edit PDF
Edit PDF content, no matter what it is. From correcting minor typos and updating or removing text, to advanced image editing tasks such as inserting, replacing, cropping, resizing and downsampling, Nitro PDF Professional makes it easy to make last-minute edits. Create consistency throughout your documents by inserting headers, footers, watermarks, page numbering and more. Edit document properties and optimize PDF for distribution, creating polished, recipient-ready PDF files.
Convert PDF
Easily convert PDF to Word and PDF to RTF with industry-leading accuracy, enabling quick content reuse in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, OpenOffice and more. Extract text and images from PDF files in a single click, for trouble-free repurposing in other programs. Copy entire blocks of text or take snapshots of PDF pages for quick pasting into another document.
Review & annotate PDF
Streamline processes and eliminate paper waste through electronic document review. Use Nitro PDF Professional's intuitive commenting tools to add notes, text feedback, drawing markups and more. Reply to feedback from others, or view, consolidate, organize and summarize reviewer comments, all from a single location. Efficiently collaborate and share your comments with Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader users.
PDF forms
Create PDF forms quickly and easily using a robust set of form design and editing tools. In just a few clicks, turn static PDF documents into professional-looking PDF forms containing text fields, buttons, checkboxes, javascript and more. Fill in, submit, print and save PDF forms, all without breaking the bank.
Secure PDF
Control how people view and use your sensitive and confidential information through robust PDF encryption. Use passwords and digital certificates to restrict who can open files and perform other tasks such as printing, editing, copying and form filling. Use digital signatures and certification to ensure document integrity and prevent content tampering.
Assemble & combine PDF
Combine documents, spreadsheets, presentations and more into a single, polished PDF file. Nitro Pro's powerful editing tools enable you to reorder, delete, insert, extract, replace, split, and rotate pages, providing you precise control over your entire document while guaranteeing your information is presented exactly as intended.
Release description
A major new version release, Nitro PDF Professional 6.0 comprises several brand-new features, significant performance enhancements and feature extensions, and important bug fixes.
New features
Convert PDF for reuse in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, OpenOffice, GoogleDocs, and more with the most accurate, industry-leading PDF conversion technology. Create highly-editable files that retain page layouts, working tables, correctly justified paragraphs, drawing shapes, and more.
Create PDF files up to 50% faster
Summarize comments for paper-based viewing
PDF/A compliance support
Document management system (DMS) integration support
Grid and Snap-to-Grid tools
Full control over the PDF creation process
Major user interface improvements, including a new, easy-to-access Navigation pane, a Comments List panel for working with more detailed comments, and a dedicated Text Editing context ribbon for inserting and updating text.
Major improvements to the underlying PDF library for faster processing of all files.
New features
Support for all 64-bit versions of Windows.
A replace text commenting tool.
Support for 'Show/hide field' action.
Full support of Unicode fonts (in all areas of the application) including Chinese, Japanese and Korean.
Integration with Lotus Notes.
Streamlined deployment for enterprise customers.
- TuneUp Utilities 2012 v12.0.2120.7
tuneUp Utilities 2012 v12.0.2120.7 | 25.29 MB
TuneUp Utilities 2012 - A new version of a large set of various tools for tuning and optimizing the system. With this program you can clean the disks of dust, remove invalid entries from the registry and defragment it, optimize memory, manage startup permanently delete files from the disc with a special tool "TuneUp Shredder" (further recovery becomes impossible, even with special programs), to recover deleted files, change the look of Windows, and much more. All utilities in this package integrated into a single graphical environment.
The new Start page
TuneUp Utilities 2012 welcomes you with a completely redesigned Start page, which tells you about the status of your computer. If problems or nonoptimal settings are found, you are only a mouse-click away from resolving them. The Start page also tells you when new tips for increasing computer performance are available and warns you if maintenance tasks are not being taken care of automatically. The Start page also shows you whether new automatic startup programs have been added to Windows since the last time you ran TuneUp Utilities. You can decide whether these programs that start up automatically are really necessary.
TuneUp Speed Optimizer
Which settings slow your computer down? Which unnecessary services or programs are running in the background? Is your Internet connection optimally configured? TuneUp Speed Optimizer knows the answers to all these questions. It examines your entire system for bottlenecks, superfluous background programs, and incorrect settings. Great: with just one click you can carry out most optimizations very quickly. In addition, TuneUp Speed Optimizer provides suggestions for speeding up your system.
TuneUp Shortcut Cleaner
Cleaning up your working environment is tedious: removing invalid shortcuts from the Start menu, the Desktop, and the Quick Launch bar is very time-consuming. TuneUp ShortCut Cleaner now does the work for you. It checks whether all shortcuts are valid and removes the orphaned ones with just a click of a button. At the same time, empty folders are removed from the Start menu. TuneUp ShortCut Cleaner also checks frequently used programs and cleans up the list of recently opened files.
Support for the Opera browser
After hard disk defragmentation, which we introduced in TuneUp Utilities 2009, the feature most requested by customers was support for the Opera browser. TuneUp Utilities 2010 now also includes full support for Opera. Via several special Opera settings, TuneUp System Control now allows you to change the number of Speed Dial entries, conveniently choose your default search engine, and reenable fast backward and forward navigation. Internet optimization lets you optimize Opera's performance for your Internet connection. Free up disk space lets you delete the Opera cache.
TuneUp Styler
Now you can also change the Vista logo animation which appears just before logon. You can download a whole series of great animations from the TuneUp website. Or, if you prefer, you can choose your own personal image to display while Vista starts up. With Vista, you can also add your own images to Vista's logon screen: With just a few mouse clicks you can create a truly personal logon experience.
TuneUp Uninstall Manager
Redesigned from the ground up, TuneUp Install Manager now runs much faster and has a new, even more intuitive interface so that it is even easier to uninstall unnecessary programs. Unnecessary programs often are forgotten because they were installed a long time ago and then not used. TuneUp Utilities 2009 shows you a list of programs not used for a long time so that you can target for uninstallation those applications that use valuable disk space and in certain circumstances even slow your system down.
TuneUp StartUp Manager
A smooth-running system results when there are no unnecessary autostart applications. The improved TuneUp Startup Manager organizes your programs into groups and provides clear explanations to make it easier for you to identify those programs that are not needed.New automatic startup programs are now highlighted so that you can disable unwanted entries more easily. System start tasks are now also listed in TuneUp StartUp Manager In Vista, in particular, scheduled tasks are used in place of autostart entries.
Free up disk space
The already rapid display of disk space to be freed up is now even faster on NTFS drives. And now it is so easy to delete even more unnecessary files, like the backup files for the first Windows Vista service pack and the Opera and Safari caches. The second "Free up disk space" module that helps you turn off Windows functions that use excessive disk space has also been enhanced. The Windows Search index can now be disabled and deleted with a single click. This makes particular sense if you are already using a different search engine. In addition, TuneUp Disk Space Explorer now runs faster and no longer requires that an entire drive be analyzed. You can now specify that only those folders be analyzed that you are really interested in.
Lots more improvements
Along with the totally new features, there are a series of improvements that are not immediately visible. There are small improvements like Tooltips in the main window, a substantial increase in the number of problems that can be found byTuneUp Registry Cleaner, and better progress feedback from TuneUp Drive Defrag. But there are also big improvements "under the hood". Two good examples are a completely reworked installation program and significant improvements in our update technology.
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- Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate
Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate | 25.31 Mb
Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate is a blazing-fast drag-and-drop DVD burner, ripper and digital video converter that also lets you convert video/audio to and from virtually any video format out there, with 6X faster conversion speed. Stop limiting your video entertainment options to your PC. Make your movies versatile by instantly convertng them to AVI, WMV, MP4, MKV, FLV, 3GP, MPG – even convert video to 3D, burn video files to DVD disc, DVD folder, or ISO files, download or record videos from YouTube, Google, Yahoo, Myspace, CNN and other video-sharing sites, rip DVD movies to any video, for playback on devices. The program offers some default settings for iPhone/ iPad/ iPod/ PSP/ HTC, Windows Media Player/Movie Maker and other popular devices and apps. You can also burn video to DVD and edit DVD from video for playback on your home DVD player.
Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate is surprisingly easy and amusing for family media enjoyment, by allowing you to merge multiple files into one file, to clone a file, to clip one file into multiple segments, to trim the file length, to crop video, to adjust video effect, to edit either text or image watermark, to add subtitle, to set video and audio output settings, to capture images from video/DVD files, to customize DVD menu and so on.
Upgrade any 2D video to 3D with ease:
• Convert any normal video to 3D with ultrafast speed, for truetheater entertainment at home. Leave the expensive 3D theater ticket away right now!
• Support to create 3D video files for sharing on YouTube 3d movie channel with the preset for YouTube offered.
• Compatible with different 3D media players available for playback of 3D video in 3D MKV, 3D MP4, 3D AVI, and 3D WMV.
• Capable of kinds of 3D enjoyment whatever you have polarization glasses, shutter technology, or anaglyph 3D glasses.
Enjoy videos any way you like:
• Convert any video in AVI, TIVO, WMV, MP4, MKV, FLV, 3GP, MPG etc., for playback on Apple devices, mobile phones, game players etc.
• Import videos to any popular applications like Windows Media Player, Windows Movie Maker, iTunes, Adobe Premiere Pro, etc.
• Convert HD videos, camcorder videos, DRM protected videos, and YouTube videos, etc. to common video formats.
Extraordinary DVD experience anywhere:
• Rip DVD movies to videos in MP4, MPG, WMV, 3GP, FLV, etc. for playback on iPad/iPhone/iPod/Windows Media Player and more.
• Burn any video in different formats to DVD disc, DVD folder, or ISO files with free provided DVD menu templates to make your DVD unique.
Video entertainment online and offline:
• Work as an web video downloader to download videos to PC from any video sharing site such as YouTube, Google, Yahoo and so on.
• Record videos on website with the newly screen capture function.
• Convert downloaded videos to any formats for enjoyment on portable devices or applications like iPad, iPhone 4, iPod touch 4, Windows Phone 7 etc.
Directly transfer media files to portable devices:
• Intelligently recognize connected USB devices such as iPod, iPhone, Blackberry, etc.
• Transfer converted DVD movies, videos and audios to iOS devices without iTunes.
• Directly import files from USB devices like mobile phones and camcorders for converting and editing.
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- Ashampoo Burning Studio 11.0.0 Beta
Ashampoo Burning Studio program for recording CD-RW, DVD-RW, DVD RW and Blu-ray discs last line of the package. The utility allows you to create projects and record CD / DVD (including MP3-CD, VCD, S-VCD, and Blu-ray). The program supports long filenames (127 characters for DVD and Blu-ray and 64 for CD), automatic configuration settings, saving and loading of the project, the creation of images, a simple file management with DragandDrop and much more. Works in conjunction with most recording devices. It has never been so easy to convert your files to DVD discs that can be played on any DVD-player.
Ashampoo Burning Studio 1910 users are unusually loyal, with good reason - this program's speed, simplicity and efficiency are simply unbeatable. Over the years the Ashampoo programmers have turned the program into a full suite that can handle all your data, audio and video burning and authoring tasks, without sacrificing its famous ease of use. In version 10 they have once again added a wealth of new features and modules, but the program is still amazingly intuitive to use - everything is explained as you do it.
The main focus of this premium version is even better authoring capabilities for building video and audio discs using the latest formats. HD and Full HD video (720p and 1080p) are now fully supported for Blu-ray discs, and all the encoding is handled by Ashampoo Burning Studio 10. All the authoring tools have been overhauled and the video encoding quality is even better than before. You now use the same new integrated editor for building DVD and Blu-ray video disks with menus. The program also starts more quickly and is generally snappier to use.
In addition to this there is a new Autoplay Editor module with which you can build auto-starting data discs with attractive interactive menus - for example for collections of programs. And there is now also a new Audio Player with which you can play audio files and audio CDs without leaving the program.
Overview of program features and functions
Burn and update data discs
Burn data to CD, DVD or Blu-ray discs and update previously burned discs by adding and removing files and folders.
Back up your data to single or multiple discs
Back up your valuable data to one or more CD, DVD or Blu-ray discs. Single backups can span multiple discs. Restore your backups in a single easy operation.
Rip and burn music
Rip music from CDs and burn music to audio CDs and MP3 or WMA discs on CD, DVD and Blu-ray in a variety of formats. Encoders for all supported formats included.
Burn movies and photos to DVD, Blu-ray and data discs
You can create slideshow with photos or video clips and you can author and burn Blu-ray video discs in HD and Full HD, video DVDs, and data video discs. Video files are automatically converted to the necessary formats.
Create high-quality slideshows
Turn your photos into impressive DVD/Blu-ray slideshows with titles, transitions and background music.
Copy CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs
Just insert a disc, select Copy and go to make a perfect copy.
Create and burn disc images
You can both create and burn ISO, CUE/BIN and Ashampoo’s own special ASHDISC image formats.
Create auto-starting data discs with interactive menus
Build data discs that start automatically when inserted and display a multi-page menu with background music. Include links to disc content, mail programs, web pages etc. Build discs with stand-alone or web browser menus.
Erase rewriteable discs
Quick and easy erase functions for reusing rewriteable discs.
Expert burn functions for full control
Burning experts can create modified copies of existing discs (read in data structure and make changes and additions) and burn discs of all kinds with full control of all main configuration options.
Create covers and labels
The full-featured cover and label designer prints to labels or directly to printable discs. It comes with a selection of point-and-click themes for instant results and easy-to-use creative tools for designing your own layouts.
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- Recover My Files Professional v4.9.4.1296
Recover My Files data recovery software will recover deleted files emptied from the Windows Recycle Bin, or lost due to hard drive format, virus infection, unexpected system shutdown or software failure. It has full options to search Windows temporary folders and can even locate and recover files that have never been saved! Recover My Files data recovery software requires no special technical skill. It is compatible with
Windows XP and works with FAT 12, FAT 16, FAT 32 and NTFS file-systems. Recover deleted files from Jaz, Zip disk, other removable storage media and digital camera media. It will unerase, and recover deleted files with ease. Recover My Files has such features, like : Preview deleted files, Recover formatted drives, Complete hard drive scan.
Recover My Files™ data recovery software will find any type of file, but includes specific support for more than 300 file types in the following broad categories:
- Recover deleted email;
- Recover deleted documents;
- Recover deleted archives;
- Digital Photo recovery;
- Recover deleted music and video.
Specific support for:
- Recover Deleted Zip files
Recover My Files Data Recovery Software will recover deleted .ZIP, .RAR, .GZIP, .TAR, .LZH and .CAB files that have been emptied from or by-passed the Windows Recycle Bin.
- Recover Deleted Adobe .PDF Files
Recover My Files data recovery software will recover deleted Adobe .PDF files which have been emptied from or by-passed the Windows Recycle Bin.
- Recover Deleted AutoCAD files (.DWG files)
Recover My Files Data Recovery Software will recover deleted AutoCAD DWG files. It will find deleted AutoCAD files which have been emptied from the Windows Recycle Bin, or files that have been lost due to a system crash or hard drive format.
- Recover Deleted Photoshop PSD files
Recover My Files data recovery software will recover deleted Adobe Photoshop .PSD files which have been emptied from or by-passed the Windows Recycle Bin.
- Recover Deleted Tax, Database, and Finance files
Recover My Files data recovery software will recover a wide variety of deleted financial, tax and database files. It includes specific support for the following types of deleted financial files:
- Recover deleted databases and financial files:
Access Database ( .mdb)
Access Project ( .adp)
Ancenstry Family Tree ( .aft)
CanTax T1 Personal ( .p96 .p97 .p98 .p99 .p00 .p01 .p02 .p03 .p04 .p05 .p06 .p07)
CanTax T2 Corporate ( .c96 .c97 .c98 .c99 .c00 .c01 .c02 .c03 .c04 .c05 .c06 .c07)
DBase-FoxPro Database file ( .dbf .scx .dbc)
EndNote ( .enl)
FLG File ( .flg)
FoxPro Executable ( .fxp)
Interbase Backup ( .gbk)
Interbase Database ( .gdb)
Lacerte Tax ( .mdx)
Lacerte Tax Individual ( .id0 .id9 .sd0 .sd9 .pd0 .pd9 .fd0 .fd9)
Microsoft Money ( .mny)
MS-SQL Server Database ( .mdf)
MS-SQL Server Log ( .ldf)
MYOB Data ( .dat .prm .pls)
Omnis Database file ( .df1 .lbr .ohf .lbs)
Quickbooks Backup file ( .qbb)
Quickbooks QBW file ( .qbw)
Quicken QDF file ( .qdf)
QuickTax file ( .q99 .q00 .q01 .q02 .q03 .q04)
SAS ASCII Data File ( .sas)
SAS Binary Data file ( .sas7bdat;sd2)
SPSS ( .sav)
TaxAct ( .ta5)
TaxCut file (2000-3) ( .t00 .t01 .t02 .t03)
TurboTax file ( .tax)
- Recover iPOD Files
Recover deleted music and video, including .mov, iTunes .m4a, .mp3 etc.
- DAEMON Tools Pro Advanced 4.41.0315.02620
Daemon Tools - emulator CD-ROM, supports a variety of security systems. Works with multiple formats, a CD, attaching ISO, CCD (CloneCD), BWT (Blindwrite), NRG (Nero) and others. Daemon Tools allows you to emulate a conventional disk drive that way and protected systems like BACKUPcopies (SafeDisc), Securom and Laserlock. When you start the game with the support of the disk image allows you to emulate the conditions to circumvent copy protection schemes. DAEMON Tools can be used as an excellent virtual CD (DVD)-ROM.
The program has a system tray menu through which you get access to all commands. Here you can specify the number of added virtual drives, choose mount images for each of them. You can select any yet used letters of the alphabet to identify each drive. You can set for each virtual device a regional code. Connect and disconnect virtual drives occurs almost instantaneously and without rebooting. You can extend the capabilities of the program with additional. modules from third-party developers.
Key features of Daemon Tools:
* Automatic updates;
* Creates *. iso and *. mds images using preset profiles;
* Emulates up to 32 CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray devices;
* Supports up to 2 IDE devices;
* Burning verify functionality;
* Compression of images;
* Performs image mounting to physical folders;
* Protects the image of a password;
* Manages image;
* Contains a converter;
* Virtual devices' properties;
* Provides a friendly user interface.
• Optional extended emulation
• Mounting an image on the physical drives
• Writing with RMPS data
• Access to the Catalogue of images via Explorer
• Set up the context menu for images and virtual drives
• Support for Portable Installation
• The ability to mount images of authorization from the shared network access
Year: 2011
OS: Windows ® 2000/XP/Vista/7
- DVDFab Qt
DVDFab Qt Final RePack | 17.6 MB
DVDFab is all you need to backup DVDs. DVDFab Platinum 3 is brand new, is completely rewritten, is based on 5 years of DVD copy software development. DVDFab is simply the easiest way to copy a DVD movie. Just insert the movie and a blank DVD then press Start. Your entire movie - including menus, trailers and special features - is copied to a single DVD with just one click, and everything happens automatically. Backup your entire DVD - including menus, trailers, and special features - onto one or multiple discs.
Features Highlight:
1. 7 DVD to DVD copy modes available: Full Disc, Main Movie, Split, Customize, Clone, Merge and Write Data.
2. Full Disc: All movies, menus and trailers, is copied to a DVD with just one click.
3. Main Movie: Just copy the movie, with specific audio/subpicture.
4. Split: Copy a DVD-9 onto two DVD-5 discs with 100% quality, and preserve original menus on both discs. Ideal for episodic/season DVD movies, TV series, etc.
5. Customize: Personalize your DVDs! Want to make a DVD with only your favorite titles? How about cutting out those annoying commercials? Or selecting specific audio/subpicture? No problem! You can select just your favorite titles, specify the title playback order, with or without original menus, to create a DVD with only the stuff you want!
6. Clone: Make perfect 1:1 bit-to-bit copy of DVDs:
- Make perfect dual layer DVD copy by using the original layer break position.
- Copy data DVD disc, like PS2 DVD.
7. Merge: Combine several titles of several sources into one DVD:
- Combine two DVD-9 like "The Lord of the Rings" into one DVD-9.
- Merge season DVDs to fewer discs.
- Create your own special features collection disc.
8. Very fast copying speed, normally it's about 10 - 20 minutes.
9. Burn to any blank DVD Disc (DVD+R/RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R DL, DVD-R DL).
B. DVD to Mobile
1. 6 DVD to Mobile copy modes available: Generic, iPod, PSP, Cell Phone, PVP and PDA. More devices support can be added manually.
2. Generic: Convert DVD title to PC MPEG-4/DivX/XVID/H.264 AVI/MP4 file. It also supports all other devices which are not listed in navigation bar.
3. iPod: Convert DVD title to Apple iPod MPEG-4/H.264 MP4 file.
4. PSP: Convert DVD title to Sony PSP MPEG-4/H.264 MP4 file.
C. Benefits
1. Remove all DVD copy protections, like CSS, CPPM, RC, RCE, APS, UOPs, ARccOS, RipGuard, FluxDVD, CORE X2, etc.
2. Constantly updated to support latest DVD copy protections.
3. Backup scratched/dirty disc:
- Even if some information (IFO) cannot be read, you can still copy Main Movie or Customize.
- Recovery from DVD reading (VOB) error.
4. Constantly updated to support latest DVD burners and blank DVD discs.
5. Constantly updated to support more mobile devices.
6. FREE lifetime upgrade.
7. FREE lifetime support via e-mail, worldwide.
System Requirements:
- Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000 (32-bit/64-bit)
- Pentium II 500 MHz
- 256 MB of RAM
- 10 GB of Free Hard Disk Space
- A DVD-R(W) or DVD+R(W) Drive
Why Qt?
1. We can have some advanced UI effects like skins and animations in future versions.
2. We have moved an important step to the Mac version.
Differences from the original version:
* Installer cured
* Language only Russian and English
* The Internet will not go
* Ability to silent install
- Nik Software Color Efex Pro 4.00 Rev 15202
Nik Software Color Efex Pro filters are the leading photographic filters for digital photography. The award-winning Color Efex Pro filters are widely used by many of today’s professional photographers around the world to save time and get professional level results. Whether you choose the Complete Edition, Select, or Standard Edition, you get traditional and stylizing filters that offer virtually endless possibilities to enhance and transform images quickly and easily.
Patented U Point technology provides the ultimate control to selectively apply enhancements without the need for any complicated masks, layers or selections. Control color, light and tonality in your images and create unique enhancements with professional results. With 52 filters and over 250 effects found in Color Efex Pro you can perform high quality retouching, color correction and endless creative enhancements to your photographs.
Updates to old favorites such as Classical Soft Focus, Darken/Lighten Center, and Vignette filters are joined by exciting new filters Bleach Bypass, Cross Balance, Film Effects, Film Grain, Glamour Glow, High Key, Low Key, Polaroid Transfer, and Tonal Enhancer, and more. The result is nothing less than the most complete, most useful collection of photographic filters you can add to your toolkit.
Nik Software product filters are developed to integrate seamlessly into many popular image editing applications that support the Adobe Photoshop plug-in architecture and there are numerous software applications that accept Adobe Photoshop plug-in compatible filters. Please consult your image editing application’s documentation for compatibility and installation instructions for 3rd-party plug-ins.
Included filters:
Brilliance/Warmth, Burnt Sienna, Color Stylizer, Contrast Only Detail Stylizer, Graduated Filters, Ink, Old Photo, Pastel, Polarization, Remove Color Cast, Saturation Stylizer, Skylight Filter, Solarization, Sunshine, B/W Conversion, Bi-Color Filters, Bi-Color User Defined, Bleach Bypass *, Classical Soft Focus Colorize, Contrast Color Range, Darken/Lighten Center, Film Grain *, Flux, Graduated Neutral Density, Graduated User Defined, Infrared Thermal Camera, Midnight, Monday Morning, Paper Toner, Photo Stylizer, Vignette, Vignette Blur, White Neutralizer, Cross Balance *, Cross Processing, Duplex, Dynamic Skin Softener, Film Effects *, Fog, Foliage, Glamour Glow *, Graduated Fog, High Key *, Indian Summer, Infrared Film, Low Key *, Polaroid Transfer *, Pro , Contrast, Reflector Effects, Tonal Contrast *.
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